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I do not own Gravitation but I hope you enjoy my story. Hope you enjoy it, love you guys.

author talking=bold italics


We got off the tour bus and were immediately got attacked by the paparazzi people. Seriously, I am starting to think they have nothing better to do in their life. We ignored them and walked into th building, the place was packed full, and I could tell it was going to be a very long day.


No one's POV

Everyone was seated down in their respective chairs. The interview for  Nittle Grasper was already over and now it was time for Bad Luck and Eiri Yuki to have their interview.

"Hello Japan, we are here today with one of our favorite author Eiri Yuki, and the soon rising but famous band, Bad Luck." Everyone cheered, even those who were listening from their tv's radio. 

"First, we will start with a question for Eiri Yuki. How is your current book coming along, cause I am sure a lot of people are just dying of anticipation to find out." All eyes turned to him.

'Well, I have started to write it, but I am starting to lose inspiration, so as of now, I am trying to find something that I could use to inspire me for my next book. But don't worry it will defiantly be out on time for everyone to read." Everyone once again cheered really loudly on the news, after a few more question to Eiri, the host turned to the band and started asking them questions. 

"So Fijisaki, how does it feel to be on the band Bad Luck and why did you join in the first place?"

Fujisaki took a deep breath before replying, "Well, I have always had the dream of surpassing my cousin, which I am sure you all now is Tohma Seguchi, the piano player for Nittle Grasper. All my life, people had always compared me to him, and I just felt like they never saw me for me. So when I finally got the chance to do that I took it. But after joining, Bad Luck wasn't what I expected. There was so much relationship drama," this specifically made Shuichi laugh, because of how true it was, "and I had actually questioned whether it was the right band for me, but after you get past the relationship problems, you see that behind it, is a band that actually has a chance, and it wasn't perfect, but I knew it was the best thing I could get in a band." 

The last part causes the people in the audience to laugh, and when they died down the host continued, "So Fujiaki, just to clarify, were you the one to sign up for Bad Luck or did they bring you one."

"Well, it was actually my cousin who recommended them to me, and when I saw their performance on stage with just the two of them I took up the offer. But when I got there, I quickly found out the Shindo-san didn't like me at all, so of course, it made me wary, but I think we have gotten past that, at least I hope."

"Well, we're on the way of getting past it," Shuichi added.

"It is a good thing to know that you guys are getting along," the host laughed. "And the next question is actually for you, this is a question every of your fan has been dying to hear. What is the current status of your relationship with Eiri Yuki?"

At the question, Shuichi froze and looked over to Eiri, who was staring right back at him. He didn't want to get more attention from the media, so he lied.

"hmmm.....well, right now we are definitely on a break," as soon as the words left his mouth, there was a bunch of protests and no's, and to mend it Shuichi added, "We still aren't sure, well, I'm still not sure if it will lead to a complete break-up or not, but I can definitely say that we are on a long break, and during this break, there is the liberty of seeing other people without having to feel guilty. "

The host frowned, "so what you're saying is that it is a break/temporary break up?"

Shuichi thought for a moment before answering, "Yeah, that is exactly what it is."

The host looked to the audience and told them they could ask a minimum of five questions. A bunch of people raised their hands, and Shuchi picked them out, but the most important one was the last question. The question came  from a teenage girl, "What caused the break-up?"

Shuichi thought whether to relay the reason or keep it held back, but after much thought, he decided to tell. "It wasn't much of anything serious. That is why this is more like a break because, during this break, we have the time to think about what really matters. And it just comes down to the question of whether we are compatible enough to make the relationship work or whether we should just go separate ways instead of staying in a relationship that we know might not work out. And that is pretty much it."

The girl thanked him and sat down, then the host took back the attention of the audience. "So Shuichi where are you heading now during this break? What does this mean for you? There have been suspicions about your background and your parents? 

Shuichi looked at Hiro when he received the question which didn't go unnoticed by people, making them more anxious to hear the answer. 

"Umm... well for this first question, I am thinking of heading back home, it has been a while I have been there and there are a lot of duties I have neglected. For the second question, this break  just means that I can focus more on my music and myself because I feel that ever since I got into the music industry, I thought that I had been taking care of myself, but Hiro hears disagrees." To this, Hiro shook his head yes. "So that is also my job, music and myself. And as for the last question, it is much of a long story, that I don't even think I am ready t tell, but I know if it isn't handled now, then it will affect our band negatively later.

"Well we will be glad to hear your story," the host said and turning to the camera. "After this our break, we will get a chance to interview Hiroshi Nakano, and after that, we will get a performance from Nittle Grasper and Bad Luck, but when we get back we will hear the story of our newfound singer and fill the gaps that you guys have been wanting to fill. Till we come back.......

Hey guys, I had a big rush of ideas when writing this chapter so I hope you enjoy it. Stay safe, love you guys, byeee.

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