The Decision

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I do not own Gravitation but I hope you enjoy my story

Shuichi=bold ,  Yuki=normal, thoughts=bold italics, other characters=italics

"Yukiiiiii, pay some attention to me, please."

It was currently afternoon and our favorite singer Shuichi Shindo has been trying to get the attention of his lover for the past three hours. But to no success couldn't. But he didn't give up, he decided to try one more time 


"What do you want you brat. You are being a nuisance."

"I am not a nuisance, all I wanted was your attention, why won't you give it to me."

"Because you fucking annoying the hell out of me, why won't you just leave me alone. Damn, my life was so much peaceful before you came along."

"Yuki, you meany, I won't talk to you again until you apologize for what you said."

With that Shuichi started to cry, he knew that he was annoying at times but he never knew that Yuki could be so cruel to him. He ran out of the room crying and locked himself in the bathroom. 

Yuki at the time didn't care, he felt that the brat would get over it sooner or later and come kissing up to him again. But after 3 hours when the brat hadn't come back he started to get worried. As he was about to get up, he sees a pink hair dash past his study in the hallway. It wasn't only the fact that the brat wasn't crying anymore that surprised him, it was the fact that he looked completely different.

"Hey, brat, where are you going?"

Shuichi didn't answer him, which made him even more curious. He walks out into the hallway, practically chasing after the pinkette. He gripped the brat's hand to gain his attention, and the speed at which Shuichi turned could have given him a whiplash.


Yuki was surprised but now he had the brat's attention, he could get a better look at what the brat was wearing. The more Yuki looked at him, the more he felt that the outfit was perfect for Shuichi. But what he wanted to know is where he was going looking like that.

to be continued.......

This is what he is wearing

This is what he is wearing

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He is wearing those tights and shoes with the outfit

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He is wearing those tights and shoes with the outfit

I hope you like Shuichi's outfits, I tried to stay close to his style of dressing, please if you have options for what he should wear in the future for this story, feel free to respond. 

What happened to our beloved Shuichi? Find out next week, Byeeeee and love y'all!

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