"...The Losers,"

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I walk through town drinking my coffee. I wasn't sure what to get, but for some reason the order that poured out of my mouth was an iced skinny vanilla latte... I didn't even know what that was, but it tastes pleasant. I hum to myself, tipping my top-hat to the people I walk by. I still have about 500 dollars in twenties in my pocket, so I decided to make it a tradition to get Starbucks every Friday. Maybe I should get Rose something?

While walking, I notice a young man rummaging through trash. He looks pale and sickly... wearing dirty, torn up garments similar to mine. He seems to be stumbling, as if he's drunk.

"Sir? Are you alright?" I ask. He looks at me, and I get my answer. His skin is quite pale already, but his face is so white it almost looks like paper. He has a panicked expression, and was sweating profusely. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" I ask. He looks lost, but is able to nod ever so slightly. I try to help him walk, but he's so shaky my help barely matters. Instead, I pick him up and carry him along.

"I-I...I-I...," the man tries to speak. I patiently await what he might be trying to say. "I want to die in flowers, not a hospital room," he sobbed.

"Well, you certainly won't die today on my watch, but I'll be sure to keep that in mind if the time ever comes," I say. He shakes his head.

"How do you know I won't die the second you leave me at the hospital," He forces out, his voice shaking.

"Well, I won't leave you at the hospital. I'll be by your side so I can escort you back home once the doctor says it's ok to leave," I say. He chuckles.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" He asks.

"Certainly not, the dumpsters gets emptied today, so I don't have any diving to do," I say.

"Fair... but why would you go through all of this for a stranger?" He asked.

"For all I know, we could be brothers. And as your potential brother, it's my job to look after you," I say. He smiles.

"Very well... my name is Lucky. Yours?" Lucky says.

"Buddy Light. Just call me Buddy, or bud, if you feel so inclined," I say. Lucky nods. We make it to the hospital, and patiently await a room. Soon, they let us in, and Lucky gets situated. After the doctors give him some medicine and an IV, Lucky calms, and his skin regains some color.

"So Buddy, you're a street rat as well?" Lucky asks.

"I prefer the term 'unhoused' but yes, I am," I say. Lucky nods.

"I never saw you before, although I do tend to stick near the outskirts of town," Lucky says.

"I usually stick in one spot. Between the Mina de Oro Liquor and Rose's bakery," I say.

"Who's Mina de Oro?" Lucky asked.

"Oh, it means 'Goldmine'. Goldmine Liquor," I say.

"Ohhh... how do you know what it means?" He asked. I pause.... How do I know?

"I dunno... I guess I must've spoken that gibberish before the awakening," I say. Everyone in the town pretty much speak the same language... however, a lot of people know other languages. We don't know what these other languages are called, so we just call them gibberish, even though to some people it makes perfect sense. I found I speak the main language, and another one that I've heard every so often in the streets, and a tiny bit of various others. I know me and Rose can communicate in a certain type of gibberish. it's very difficult to write in that language to me, however, to Rose it's second nature.

A while later, Lucky was free to leave. I started walking him to the outskirts of town, but he stopped at the park.

"I think I'll rest here tonight... you said you live by the Mina de Oro?" Lucky said. I nod. "I'll be sure to visit then, thank you Buddy," he says. I smile, and then sigh. I take out the stack of twenties in my coat pocket.

"Here, buy yourself something... there's a really nice Starbucks near the center of town. Get the skinny vanilla latte, it's really good,"

The next day is a Saturday, so Rose won't be in. She takes weekends off and puts her younger employee in charge. At least, I think he's younger. It's hard to tell when nobody knows what their birthday is.

"Hola, cómo está?" He asks me. I smile, knowing exactly what his gibberish means.

"I'm good! How are you Miller?" I ask. Miller Lite is my Beer bud, because he also named himself after a beer can. We decided that this new year's, we'll share a beer together. It'll be my first Bud Light... I'm excited.

"I'm ok, what's today's quote?" Miller asks. I shrug.

"My quotes are situational, I can't just give you one. You have to need one," I say. Miller hummed in thought.

"Well, I saw a cute boy while walking to the bakery but I don't know how to talk to him," Miller said.

"But you're talking to him right now," I say. Miller rolls his eyes.

"No, I'm talking to Roses pet rat," Miller said. I laugh.

"Very nice," I say. Miller smiles.

"Yep, anyway, are you gonna give me a quote or not?" Miller asks.

"I don't have any relationship advice quotes," I say. Miller chuckles.

"Then give me a quote that will help me get through another day of trying to pay rent," Miller said. I hum in thought.

"'There are days when it takes all you've got just to keep up with the losers,'... Robert Orben," I quote. Miller nods.

"True... too true," He says. "Anyway, I'll bake you something, wait here," Miller said. I smile and nod.

"Thanks!" I exclaim. Miller walks into the bakery and I skim through my quotes once again. I have a feeling today will be a good day.

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