"...Be Happy,"

287 11 16

(Thank y'all for the covers so far! Remember, the contest ends January 1st! It's not too late to enter!)

We fill in everyone on our mission. So far we got Roman, Axel, and Kiyomi... Star was gonna take some extra convincing though, so him and I met at Starbucks to discuss why we should or shouldn't go find the Atheneum.

"I really don't think it's a good idea bud... I mean... life's simple now... we're all at relative peace with each other... and... well... what if you get disappointed by what you discover?" Star said.

"What do you mean? Star, listen, this could reunite families, lovers, friends... everyone! Don't you want that?" I exclaim.

"Yeah but..." Star teared up. "What if you find out I was a horrible person and... and I loose all of you...," Star said.

"Hey... Star...," I say, taking his hand. "We won't hate you, I promise... you're good now, aren't you? I'm sure it'll be ok," I say. He takes a deep breath.

"I guess I've just been having horrible memories of me and Kiyomi fighting... I... I hope he doesn't hate me if he finds out...," Star says.

"Well... for what it's worth, I'll always still be here for you. You've always been there for me," I say. Star smiles and nods.

And so, we set off to find the Atheneum. We found a map to it in the hidden room, and it's in a secluded forest area far from town.

"Are you ok Buddy? You're a bit shaky," Miller said. I take a deep breath.

"I guess I'm just a bit nervous...," I say.

"Why?" Axel asked. Roman rolls his eyes.

"He's scared he left the oven on- what the hell do you think he's nervous about?" Roman exclaimed. Miller sighs.

"Don't worry Buddy... we'll be ok," Miller said. I nod. We get to where the map said the Atheneum would be, but found nothing.

"Welp, nothing. Let's go home-,"

"Hold on...," Axel started. He kicked away a mound of dirt to reveal a small hatch entrance. On it, was a small number pad to input a code, which was written on the map.

"Great, the cheat sheets in normal numbers... but the number pad is Roman numerals! Now what?" Star exclaimed. Everyone glanced at Roman.

"Roman! This is your time to shine!" Axel exclaimed.

"U-um.... I don't know...," Roman stuttered.

"Roman, you have to, do you think we know Roman numerals? Just use your sheet!" I exclaim. Roman tries to glare at me, but the fear in his eyes make him much less intimidating. He kneels down and carefully inputs the code. I realized he didn't seem to use his beloved Roman numerals chart... did he forget to bring it?

Nevertheless, the hatch unlocked. We quickly climbed in to see an old, abandoned, yet tastefully decorated hallway. There were flags hung up on every wall, fake plants, and paintings. It had a rather nice library vibe to it. We walked through the hall, which led to three different doors. One was marked 'History', the other 'science and geography' and the third 'miscellaneous'.

"Should we split up?" Kiyomi asked.

"Why would we ever?" Star asked worriedly, clutching onto Kiyomis hand like a frightened child in a haunted house.

"We can cover more area in a less amount of time," I say.

"Ok, Buddy and I will take miscellaneous-,"

"Slow down loverboy, you two will just make out the whole time. I'll go with Buddy," Roman said. I reel back a bit in surprise. Roman never ever wants to be associated with me, why the sudden change? Miller shrugs.

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