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For Roman/Canada how does it feel knowing your identity?

Canada/Roman: very odd... but... normal? Just suddenly remembering everything and just trying to go back to life as usual... it's strange to say the least


Will you make a sequel?

Idk, but probably not. Especially since if I did make a sequel it'd just be about America and Mexico raising their kids and I already have a book about that (a book which I hope to pick up again, for it's been on hiatus for a while-)

What gave you the idea to make this?

I think I answered this question in Country Kids, but I'll put in the Tl;dr

I was listening to panic! at the disco and my brain did a funne

What was the most funniest theory we the audience thought of?

There are a few, which I will list:

- Roman is Germany: I kinda get this, because Romans introduction was a bit similar to how most people write Germany

- Buddy = Mexico, and Rose = America: I think this one just amounted to misreading a detail I put in. And because at this point everyone shipped Rose and Buddy, which I tried very hard to discourage. If I'm being honest, this book originally had no ships, but after people started assuming Rose and Buddy were going to fall in love, I decided to make Miller the love interest instead to dissuade them. Miller was originally going to be Spain.

- Star = America: this one was more of a 'what if' theory, so I'll let it slide

- Lucky = Ireland: luck of the Irish or somethin

- Roman = TR: sorry FB I know you just misread something but that one was so funny I had to mention it-

- Lucky = Canada: because of the 'possible brothers' red herring

The rest of the theories I can't really make fun of because I wanted you to think that Buddy was UK, or Earl was Soviet, or Roman was Russia, because that helps with the ✨plot twist✨

How did Axel and Brawn know they we're related?

They realized they both spoke German and decided to test to see if they were related.

How was it possible to get your memories back

They just remembered bro

Is the museum still there?

They converted it into a history/art/miscellaneous museum. All objects were returned to their owners, and same with the art (Unless the artist decided to keep their painting in the museum)

Did the awakening also affect cities, states, and provinces?

Yeah, in this book they all live in the same town


Who were the dudes hooking up in Nadas office?

I shouldn't tell you! Thatd be rude and embarrassing to them!

....*cough ChinaandRussia *cough*


How does it feel like to throw a myriad of red herrings towards us?

Joyous. Honestly, it is really fun to be a lil goblin and fool people sometimes, especially when it's harmless.


When you started writing, did you have all the characters identities planned out? Or did you think of them as you went along?

I had it planned out, but some changed. Lucky was originally going to be Mexico and Miller was going to be Spain, but for love interest reasons I changed Miller into Mexico and for reasons I forgot I decided Antarctica was more fitting for Lucky. But generally I had everything figured out

Does this relate to any of your other stories? Could it be a different dimension in NAT? If so... Maybe you could tie all of your stories to NAT and have a giant confused mess or smth idk

All of my stories are just an alternate dimension from the NAT dimension. Maybe I'll do a crossover book if CK ever ends

Did you end the book as planned or did you just see a good stopping point and ended there?

Every time I write a (coherent) story I have two things already figured out; the beginning and the end. All I had to do was get there, and it ended up being as long as it needed to be.

This writing process does not include the NAT and CK series.

Were any of the story details influenced by comments?

Only the ship, but other than that I had a plan and stuck with it



Why was America married to Philipa? Is that random or a connection to something?

I just thought it'd be funny for him to be like 'o sh*t I'm married'. And also I usually HC Philipa to be Ame's ex when the story calls for it

How old are the main characters?

Immortal. They're the same age they are IRL.

How many words per chapter were there?

I don't feel like checking but my usual rule is that I can't post a chapter until it's 1000+ words long. I often break this rule though, because I sometimes feel like the chapter has efficiently wrapped itself up before the 1000+ word mark. That and I'm a busy man.

Do you write on a phone or computer or...?

Phone. It's more convenient and it lets me write pretty much anywhere.

Has your dad read this?

Yep, I read him the whole story out loud, which is something I don't usually do. I usually just tell him about the chapter rather than read it to him, but I decided this book was good enough to be read out loud to the almighty Mr. Hellllllnah

How did you think of the countries alternate names? Was it based on their personalities in a way or more just random- or was it symbolic?

It was random but I'll pretend it was symbolic right now to hit that 1000+ word count

Buddy light: bud light is a popular beer choice in America, and America is a Buddy pal chum friend fella brother amigo chummy chum chum pal

Rose: delicate, beautiful, but also prickly and cool

Earl Grey: idk tea

Roman Numerals: you can always count on Canada. HAH GET IT?!?!

Ok idk

Love u bye

Thank you for reading check out my other booooooooooks-

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