"...The Accommodation,"

321 13 26

(I'm glad y'all are liking the story so far :D)

I wake up the next day on Miller's couch. The smell of bacon and eggs fills the room, and I'm up immediately.

"Buenos días, Bud," Miller says, serving me a plate. I smile.

"Good morning, thanks for letting me stay the night," I say.

"Of course... Buddy?" Miller says.

"Mhm?" I say, already stuffing my face with food.

"You can stay at my house if you want... like... permanently... or at least until you find somewhere else to live... y'know, that's not an alleyway," Miller says.

"Really? Why?" I ask.

"Because an apartment is safer and more comfortable than an alleyway?" Miller says.

"No, I mean why are you offering me such a generous offer? You know I won't be able to pay rent," I say.

"It's called being a good friend, and if Rose won't let you stay with her, then I'll have to step up as the nicest friend," Miller says.

"It's not a competition, besides, Rose wouldn't let me stay with her because of Brawn, not because she isn't nice," I say. Miller nods.

"Yeah, I guess...," Miller says. I roll my eyes and smile, taking Miller's hand.

"Well, if it's a friendship competition you're totally in the lead," I say. Miller pulls his hand away.

"Damn right I am," Miller said, crossing his arms. I chuckle.

"Well, I'm going for a walk, care to join?" I ask. Miller smiles, but then it fades to a sigh.

"I've got a lot of paintings to finish...," Miller says. I nod.

"No worries, I'll be back soon to keep you company," I say. Miller nods, but I can tell he'd rather walk than paint. Perhaps art isn't as much of a passion of his as I thought? That doesn't make sense though, he loves art more than anything... well, whatever, it's none of my business.

While walking, I run into Star on his way out of Starbucks.

"Buddy! Where were you?" Star exclaimed.

"Heh... a lots been going on... and Miller's letting me stay at his place, so you might not see me on the street anymore," I said.

"Too bad... I'll miss seeing you. It's a nice highlight in my life," Star says.

"You giving me money is a highlight in your life?" I say. Star chuckles.

"Yeah... I really don't have much goin for me... that's why it's nice to give to someone y'know? Makes me feel like I'm serving a purpose," Star said. I smile.

"Hey... can I borrow your phone?" I ask. Star shrugs and hands it over. I put a number in his contacts.

"There... it's Miller's number, but it's a way for you to reach out," I say. Star smiles.

"Thanks Buddy... here's a twenty, get yourself something," Star says. I nod.

"I will," I say.

And, because I now have twenty dollars, I decided to go see if I actually love earl grey as much as I think I do. I get to the tea house, and am pleasantly surprised to see Rose and Earl sitting together and having tea.

"Buddy! It's nice seeing you!" Rose exclaims. I smile at her, but then look over at Earl to see an intense stare. It's doesn't seem to be out of hatred, rather deep thought.

"Hey Earl, is Rose being a good houseguest?" I ask. Earl seems to snap out of his thought.

"Why yes! Me and her share a lot in common, I'm glad you introduced us," Earl said, before his expression turned focused again. "I'm sorry Buddy... may we step outside for a moment? I... I need to show you something," he says. Me and Rose glance at each other. I'm not sure what Earl has in store, and I sure hope it's not a knife to my chest.

I follow him outside, and too an alleyway. Totally not suspicious. He reaches into his coats pocket and pulls out an old photo. He studies it, looks up at me, and then stares back at the photo.

"I...I had this in my coat pocket during the Awakening... I hid it away somewhere to be safe... but when I met you... well... I'll just show you...," He said. He hands me the photo...

It's a picture of me, him, and another man I've never seen before.

"I recognized you when Roman introduced us... and... last night I... I think I remembered something?" Earl said.

"What did you remember?" I exclaim.

"It was the other man in the picture... I was yelling at him. He didn't seem to care however... he just glared at me," Earl said. I study the mans face.

"What if... he's America?" I ask.

"I wouldn't know... I just thought this was important...," Earl said. I nod.

"Thank you for showing me this Earl... if you remember anything else, please let me know," I say. Earl nods.

Soon, I get tea and sit down with Rose and Earl. I'm eager to take my first sip... but at the same time I'm nervous. Maybe I'll get hit with another memory?

I take a sip, and am immediately reminded of someone... a familiar face... but it flies away as quickly as it came.

"Ugh... Ignorance was a bliss," I mutter, placing my teacup down and sighing.

"Don't worry Buddy, if you ever find your son, I'm sure it'll bring you some ease," Rose says. I nod.

"Im just not sure how to find him...," I say. And then I remember... "of course!" I exclaimed, taking out the museum pamphlet. "Would you two be willing to take me somewhere?" I ask.

"Where?" Rose asks.

"Well... a lot of places... you wouldn't mind... right?" I ask hopefully. Rose smiles and looks at Earl hopefully.

"It wouldn't hurt to help him out, right?" Rose asks. Earl smiles and nods.

"Of course not, let's go," Earl said.

I couldn't work a quote into this chapter but here ya go anyway:

The life of man is a journey; a journey that must be travelled, however bad the roads or the accommodation

- Oliver Goldsmith

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