"...One Damned Thing...,"

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The next day, Miller grabs my arm and takes me to the mall. I see Star waiting for us.

"Hey Buddy," Star says.

"Hey! Why was I dragged here against my will?" I ask.

"Shopping, you need new clothes," Miller says.

"And to get to know each other," Star said.

"Ok, fair enough, let's go," I say. We go around shopping, and Star gathers the stuff I picked out to pay for it. He goes to the cashier.

"안녕하세요. 어떻게 지내세요?" Star says. The cashier has a look of surprise and glee.

"나는 잘하고있어!" The cashier exclaimed. I smile at the pair as they start cheerfully talking in gibberish. Miller notices and smiles with me.

"Star, we'll wait for you at the food court," Miller says. Star nods, and we go to the food court and get some pizza.

"It's so cool he found someone who speaks his gibberish! They could be brothers!" I exclaim. Miller nods.

"Hey... what if we're related?" Miller asks. I hum in thought.

"Maybe? But you speak gibberish better than me... and we don't look all too similar, so probably not," I say. Miller nods.

"I hope not," Miller says.

"Why?" I ask. Miller shrugs.

"I dunno... it'd just be awkward... like, imagine if you and Rose were related," Miller said.

"Rose is my friend, I have no problem being related to her," I say.

"No, I mean... like... I dunno... I thought you thought of her as more than that," Miller says. I shake my head.

"Don't be ridiculous, she can do far better than me, haven't I told you? Rose is just a friend," I say.

"Am I just a friend?" Miller asked. WOAH WHAT.

"Hey guys! This is Kiyomi!" Star exclaims, ending our conversation that I very desperately want to continue.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Miller!" Miller exclaims.

"Nice to meet you too Miller!" Kiyomi exclaims.

"I'm Buddy," I say, holding out my hand. Kiyomi shakes it. We spend some time talking. Apparently, Star and Kiyomi had never met anyone who spoke the same gibberish as them, and they already decided to take a DNA test to see if they're related. I'm excited for them, however I can't help but be disheartened that I haven't found my son yet...

"Excuse me sir? Are you using this chair?" I hear someone ask. I look up at him and I almost immediately shout in excitement. SERIOUSLY?!

"Australia?!" I exclaim. He looks at me, extremely confused, possibly a bit scared, and chuckles nervously.

"Um... I think you're thinking of someone else...," he says.

"No! I-I...I saw you! I remembered you! You... you're my son!" I exclaim. I should probably calm down, I can tell he thinks I'm insane.

"Sorry sir, he's been on the lookout for his sons, and... I guess you look just like him," Miller says.

"Wait, please! Can we just take a DNA test?" I exclaim. Suddenly, another man who looks almost identical to Australia(?) walks up to us.

"Is everything ok Milo?" The other man asks. Australia- or as he called him, Milo- nodded.

"Yeah, I guess this guy recognizes me," Milo said. I take a deep breath and try to look less like a maniac.

"I'm sorry if I come off a bit... intense... it's just... Having these memories... and then seeing that they're of real, genuine people... it's crazy... I... truly believe you're my son... and, if you don't mind, I would like to take a DNA test to prove it...," I say. Milo and his twin glance at each other, and his twin shrugs and nods.

"What the heck? It could be worth it," Milo says. I smile, but refrain from showing too much excitement. I really don't want my sons thinking I'm crazy.

Since Kiyomi and Star also wanted to take DNA tests, we all go in together. Miller also insists we see if we're related as well. At first I don't know why, but then I remember his comment...

I'll have to talk to him about that...

However, they take us in to start testing and I forget about it immediately. Since Milo and his twin already took a DNA test and found they were related, Only Milo and I are getting our DNA compared. Also, Milos twin is named Kiwi, because he had a Kiwi bird on his shirt when he woke up. Somehow I knew it would be Kiwi, I just don't know how...

We have to come back in a couple of days for the results... Miller tries to take my mind off my anxiety by taking me out places and giving me art lessons, but my mind always finds a way back to the what-ifs.

Soon, we're back in the waiting room... and needless to say, I'm nervous... what if I'm wrong?

"Buddy Light? Milo Nestle?" The doctor says, walking into the room. Me and Milo sit up straighter and nod. The doctor smiles.

"Good news, the test results are back... you two share extremely similar DNA. We concluded that yes, you are related," he says. We're silent. I can't even describe my excitement... I don't even have a quote to help me! However, Milo breaks the tension by grabbing my arm.

"Holy sh*t dad... you were right! And I thought you were off your rocker!" Milo exclaimed. I just laughed and gave Milo a hug, something he gladly returned.

The DNA tests come out for Star and Kiyomi as well, and it turns out they're also related. Star never looked happier. And then the results came back for me and Miller, and we're not related. Miller seemed strangely relieved by this fact, and I wonder why.

The next week, my friends are helping Milo and Kiwi set up their extra bedroom for me. It's not uncommon for people who are related to live together, especially since it's so uncommon for people to know if they are related or not. I also got Roman and Axel to join in with helping out. mostly because Miller promised to bring lunch. However, Axel doesn't seem to be doing well.

"Axel, everything ok?" I ask. He sighs.

"My father is being difficult... I hate living with him," Axel says. Rose nods.

"Yes... he's... he's been sending me threatening texts.... I blocked him, but I'm worried he has figured out I'm living with Earl now...," Rose said.

"I won't let anything bad happen, I'll crush that pathetic lump if he tries to even come near my home," Earl says. For as passive as Earl makes himself seem, he is rather intimidating at times. Especially since he's been staring at me every so often in deep thought.

"Well, Axel, you can stay with any of us if you need to get away from him," Lucky said. Axel smiles and nods.

"Thank you, I'm glad," Axel says.

Soon, I'm finally all moved in, and we get pizza to celebrate. Everyone who has been there for me, my best friends, my new family, are all surrounding me. We raise a toast to the bright future ahead of us, now that we know we have each other. For a moment, I might've even felt at peace...

I should've remembered what Elbert Hubbard said...

Life is just one damned thing after another

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