"...You Ready?"

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(It feels wrong... this chapter feels wrong.... I'm not ready for it... I don't want my book to end...

Eh whatever, everything dies eventually

It isn't the last chapter btw I just realized we're gettin heckin close)

We continue walking down the hallway, and make it to a large door.

"...you ready?" Roman asks, grasping the doorknob. I nod.

"Ready...," I say. He pulls open the door, and we're met with a large, dark room, filled with lockers lined up in rows. We each take a flashlight and look around. The rows were in alphabetical order, the lockers within the rows bearing names long forgotten. Me and Roman walk down the 'A' row, glancing at the names on the lockers...

Suddenly, one catches my eye.

"America...," I say softly, running my hand over the lockers label. Me and Roman glance at each other, and I slowly open it.

It's shelves are filled with books upon books. I scan the spines, trying to find the most useful thing...

'Family photo album'....

There's the ticket.

I take it off the shelf, it's cover dusty and worn. I open up the first page....

I can't contain my shaking. Memories flood back like a god damn tsunami. My hands falter. I drop the book. My knees buckle. I join it on the floor.

"Buddy! What's wrong?" Roman exclaims. I look up at him, and it's unmistakable who I see...


He looks familiar with the name, but I can tell he needs some help. I pick up the book and show him our family picture...

It's of Me, Roman, Milo, Kiwi, Earl, and Rose.

Rose was giving Earl a kiss on the cheek.

And then I realize.

"IM AMERICA!" I exclaim. We stare at each other for a moment. We laugh and share a tight hug. And suddenly I remember...

The last months plague really did a number on dad... and a little while ago I was playing with his top-hat and accidentally ruined it... so, my dad hadn't been having the best few months. And so, Canada and I were going to surprise him by showing up with a new top-hat and offering to take him out to dinner. After all, we still had a few days until the end of the month, we didn't need to hide out in our basements yet.

"What do you think it'll be this time?" Canada asked. I looked up at the cloudy sky.

"Storm maybe... I hope nothing too bad...," I said. Canada nodded, but suddenly, there was a loud ringing in our ears.

"Ame! What's happening?!" Canada cried over the noise. I just grabbed his hand and tried pulling him along to shelter... but suddenly I felt weak. We fell to the floor...

And woke up not knowing what happened...

"We have to tell the others...," I say.

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