"...In The End...,"

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(I realized it is my book and I can write romance if I want and my dad can just deal with it)

I get home from hanging out with Miller to see my sons hanging out on the couch. I smile and join them.

"Hey dad," Milo said, nodding at me before looking back at his phone.

"Hello you two, how was your day?" I ask.

"It was alright, I got a snake," Milo said.

"...pardon?" I ask.

"We got a pet snake now," Milo said. I nod.

"Very well," I say.

"Hey dad, I got a question," Kiwi said.

"I've got an answer," I say.

"What's with the top-hat?" Kiwi asked.

"Oh! I had it when I woke up... it has a note in it... maybe you wrote it!" I exclaim. I show Kiwi the note. He nods, and then writes the same note in his handwriting on a piece of paper. However, Kiwis handwriting is more cursive-ish.

"I have Three sons?? How will I ever find America?" I exclaim.

"Don't know, but I'm sure you'll find him one day. It's a small world," Milo said. I sigh and nod.

"Awww no sadness, sadness makes me sad," Kiwi said, hugging me. I chuckle.

"Sorry... a lots just been going on... my whole life changed in the span of a few days... I went from a homeless nobody in the streets to a father of two-possibly three- living in a new part of town with new neighbors to meet and a best friend who has a crush on me-,"

"Pardon?!" Milo exclaims excitedly. I realize I let that last part slip.

"Oh! That's really not that big, it's just... I dunno...," I say.

"Dads blushing! He's blushing!! Look at him!" Kiwi exclaims excitedly.

"Is it Rose?" Milo exclaims.

"No! It's none of your concern!" I exclaim. The twins giggle, and I realize I'm in for one hell of a guessing game.

"It has to be Star!" Milo exclaims.

"Don't be ridiculous, it's not Star! I think it's Roman!" Kiwi exclaims.

"You're both wrong," I say, walking away. However, they follow me.

"Miller?" Kiwi asks. I hesitate, wondering the ramifications of me telling them the truth. However, this hesitation gives it away.

"Oh my gosh of course!!! Wait- OH MY GOSH WAS YOU TWO HANGING OUT TODAY YOUR FIRST DATE?!" Milo exclaimed.

"No!!" I exclaim. The boys are giggling childishly, and I can tell my face is fully red.

"Awww, yay! We have a step-dad already!" Milo exclaims.

"Oh hush... I... I don't know...," I say.

"You don't know what?" Kiwi asks. I sigh.

"I don't know how I feel... I think I like him but also I'm not sure because I'm.... I'm an overthinking mess," I say.

"Aww, I get that, c'mere," Milo says. The twins wrap me in a hug, and I sigh and give in.

"You two are cute together, I think you should date," Kiwi says.

"Maybe, but... what if...," I start, not exactly ready to share my concerns.

"What if...?" Milo eggs on. I hold my breath.

"Whatifiwasalreadymarriedandimahorriblepersonbecauseinowlovesomeoneelse," I say in one breath (if your brain refused to read that he basically just feels bad falling in love out of fear of already being married without knowing it)

"Dad, literally none of us remember anything, it's ok to move on," Milo says.

"I still feel bad...," I say.

"Dad, look at me, do you love Miller?" Kiwi asks.


"Don't think about the ramifications, or the what if's, or the doubts. Do you love him?" Kiwi asks. I look down as if I'm a guilty toddler.

"I'm rather sure that I do...," I say.

"Then I want you to tell him tomorrow," Kiwi says.

"Ok... I just.... what'll happen? I don't remember how to do the whole 'relationship' thing... I'm very much starting fresh...," I say.

"Just go with your gut, it'll fall into place, I promise," Milo says.

"And set boundaries! If he does something that makes you uncomfortable you don't have to put up with it, talk to him about it!" Kiwi exclaims.

"And no sex in my house, you live under my roof you live under my rules," Milo says. I laugh.

"Ok, ok, who exactly is the dad here?" I exclaim. We laugh and then proceed to do our own things. I'm anxious to talk to Miller... but it'll be fine, I'm sure of it

After all, Everything is OK in the end. If it's not OK, then it's not the end


(Also I made drawings for the book but for some reason my power went out and my iPads almost dead so I'll just put in the drawing next chapter lol)

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