"...Bad Television,"

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The next day I get myself presentable, and try to recite whatever I should say to Miller... but I'm not sure exactly what to go with. 'Hey, I know I acted pretty stupid that one day but I totally feel the same way!' Or, 'you're attractive,' or 'let's go on a date, as a couple, because I love you... if that's ok with you?'

.... maybe I should just stop being weird and say some stupid quote like I always do when I need to express myself....

Or better yet, lock away my feelings and never talk about them and wait until Miller makes the first move.

...ugh... stop being a wimp... just go and talk to him and see what happens...

I begin walking through the suburbs to get to the city, where Miller's apartment is, however suddenly I hear someone call my name.

"Buddy! Wait!" Rose exclaims.

"Yes? Is everything ok?" I ask. Rose grabs my arm and pulls me along. She looks frightened, and I hope it has nothing to do with the black car suspiciously following us at a near distance.

"I think I'm being followed," Rose mutters. Great.

"Ok, let's just casually walk to the police station," I say. We do, and the car has enough sense to stop following us. Rose sighs in relief.

"Thank you...," Rose says.

"No problem," I say.

"Hey... if you aren't busy... how would you like to have brunch at the diner?" Rose asks.

"That sounds great!" I exclaim, but suddenly I remember Miller...

"Great! Let's go!" Rose exclaims. Well, too late now I guess...

We go to the diner and get seated. We order food, and start talking about whatever. However, a part of my mind is occupied by a certain someone...

"Buddy? What's wrong?" Rose asks.

"I'm in love....," I say, the mere sentence making me blush like a flustered, love-struck teen. Rose giggles.

"Ooh, who might she be?" Rose asks.

"It's... a he...," I say, putting my head down.

"Miller, Hm?" Rose says.

"How'd you guess?" I ask.

"I was just hoping, Miller tells me things, you know?" Rose said.

"He told you that he... y'know... likes me?" I ask.

"Yes, He was planning on telling you a few days ago! He was worried you liked me better though," Rose said. I shake my head.

"No... it's just... I never even realized how I felt until after I made things a little... awkward...I suppose it seemed to him like I friendzoned him," I say. Rose nods.

"I see, well, it's never too late! Once we're done, go to his apartment and tell him how you feel!" Rose exclaims. I nod.

"If only there were a quote I could say-,"

"Or you could use your own words?" Rose says. I sigh.

"I should... I really should...," I say... but will I? We finish our meal, and get up to leave. However, Rose grabs me by the shoulders.

"Don't worry too much Buddy, just speak from your heart... I know you'll find the right words," Rose says. I wrap her in a tight hug.

"Thank you Rose...thank you," I say. She returns the hug. My eyes are shut tight... I wish I kept them that way. If I never opened my eyes, I could've remained unaware of my best friend- the man I love- staring at us with a sad smile and tears in his eyes.

"'Just friends' Huh?" He says.

"Miller! It's not- we're not- I'm-," I can't speak... also I don't like how he quoted me there...

"No worries... I'm happy for you... just... sorry...," Miller says, before quickly walking away. I chase after him and grab his arm.

"Please! Miller, you don't get it!" I exclaim.

"It's ok Buddy, I... I understand... your relationship is almost a work of art, I'd hate to ruin it-,"

"'Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television,' - Woody Allen. And he's right! This isn't a beautiful painting of a loving couple embracing as an unrequited lover looks on in shame, it's a crappy telenovela where the main character is a bumbling idiot who can't figure out how to tell his incredibly sexy best friend that he loves him too! So just listen because I'm trying the best I can!" I exclaim. Miller stares at me in surprise, and Rose is watching with an amused grin. "W-What Im trying to say is... will you go out with me?" I ask. Miller smiles.

"Of course," Miller says.

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