"The Wise...,"

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Miller opens the six-pack of Bud light he got... I told him to get Miller Lite as well, but he wanted to try bud light with me. Miller isn't one to spend money when he doesn't need to, so its flattering he'd get me a drink in the first place. He takes out an old bottle opener he found when he moved into his apartment and opened up two bottles.

"Here Bud, take a sip! See if you like it!" Miller exclaims.

"We should do a toast!" I exclaimed.

"To what?" Miller asks.

"Hmm... good question...," I say. Miller chuckles and raises his bottle.

"To our friendship," he says.

"Why didn't I think of that?" I say, before clinking my bottle against his and taking a sip... the taste is bitter and a bit repulsive, but I indulge in it. I close my eyes, letting the flavor settle in my mouth. It's nothing like I imagined, but I welcome the flavor like an old friend.

"You like it?" Miller asks.

"Meh, It's alright," I say. Miller smiles and takes another sip.

"It's not the flavor that matters, it's the ride," Miller says.

"Spoken like a true alcoholic," I say. Miller chuckles.

"I don't drink much too be honest... I only do at parties. It helps take the edge off... I really don't like drinking much," he says.

"Then why did you drink with me? Do I make you nervous?" I ask, nudging him. He shrugs.

"I dunno... I thought it'd make you happy," He says. I smile.

"Aw...thats really sweet! I didn't know you were capable of being sweet," I say.

"What? Take that back! I'm so goddamn sweet!" Miller exclaims.

"Ok, ok... you're the nicest ever in the history of forever," I say.

"You don't have to sound so sarcastic... do you really think I'm mean?" Miller says.

"No! Sorry, I was just being a jokester... I really appreciate all you do for me! I'm glad we could have a beer together... I'm glad we're friends," I say. Miller smiles.

"I'm glad too... seremos amigos por siempre," Miller said. I smile.

"It's cool we can speak gibberish... how many do you know?" I ask.

"Hmm... only the one... to be honest, I speak that gibberish much better than the main language," Miller says.

"Hah... I suck at your gibberish... but I know lots of different kinds of gibberish! There's one me and Rose speak in sometimes," I say.

"Oh yeah! I always wondered what the two of you say sometimes... we should all hang out together one day," Miller says.

"We should invite Star and Lucky too! Maybe even Roman!" I exclaim. Miller chuckles.

"Doesn't Roman hate you?" Miller asks. I shrug.

"Yeah, but I can still try to be his friend! Besides, he's tall, we all need a tall friend to help us out with shelves and other tall things," I say. Miller nods.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be your all-in-one friend," Miller said.

"You're my beer Bud! That's even better to me," I say.

"I guess...," Miller says. I take his hand and smile at him.

"The wise strive for their best. The fools strive for perfection," I say. Miller smiles.

"And who said that?" Miller says.

"Mokokoma Mokhonoana," I say. Miller nods.

"...why don't you just say what you mean... instead of telling me what you mean through other peoples words?" Miller asks. I pause. Nobody's really asked me that before...

"I dunno... it helps me put my feelings into words I guess... like, if I don't know how to say something, someone in this book does," I say.

"...but what if it doesn't one day?" Miller asks.

"I guess... I'll see when that happens...," I say. Miller nods. There's a small moment of silence, when Miller sighs and stands up.

"Well, I'm starving... hmm... pizza? Sushi? tacos?" Miller asks. I smile.

"How about tacos," I say. Miller smiles.

"I was hoping you'd say that, let's go," he says.

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