"The Darkest Hour...,"

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(I am hosting an art competition to make the cover for this book. Be creative with the cover, and there aren't really any rules to it. The theme so far has been black and white, but you can add color if you think that fits. The only requirements are that it has the title on it, the fact that I wrote it, and the fact you drew the cover)

Me and Miller are walking hand-in-hand through the park. When I told Milo and Kiwi about the date, they made sure I looked my best. Milo even insisted on shaving my face and giving me a haircut himself. I do miss my long hair, but Miller complimenting my new hair made it worth it.

"So, what do you want to do? The boardwalk isn't too far, we can hang out there," Miller said. I shrug.

"It's a beautiful day out and I'm holding a handsome mans hand. We can go wherever and I'll be happy," I say. Miller smiles. However, he suddenly gets a phone call.

"Oh, it's from Lucky..... Hello?....... ok, calm down......... really?....... we'll be there soon!" Miller hangs up and looks at me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Lucky got a new apartment, and he found something crazy. We gotta check it out," Miller says. We rush to the apartment complex. It was a short ways out of the city, on a mountain, overlooking the lake and city below. It also looked really fancy, and was definitely only a place Lucky could be so, dare I say, lucky to find. We go to the top floor of the apartment complex to see something rather unfair. I thought the complex was big because there were lots of apartments on each floor. There was only one apartment, at least on the top floor where Lucky was, and it occupied the entire floor. There was only one room that was separate from the apartment, and that was the small hallway from the elevator to the front door. We go inside to see a completely barren apartment, which I'm sure lucky will fill with a collection of vintage decor he will luckily find for cheap.

"I don't think I can call this the same thing as my little three-room abode...," Miller said, scanning the mansion-apartment.

"Oh! There you guys are!" Lucky exclaimed, walking into the foyer.

"Lucky, you do realize that you're gonna have to keep up the rent for this place... right? That lottery money will run out eventually," I say. Lucky nods.

"Oh yeah, actually I got this place for free. I got friendly with the complex owner and he agreed to just let me stay rent-free until I got a stable job," Lucky said. Miller and I just stared at him in disbelief. "Anyway, follow me, this is important," Lucky said. We follow him, and he brings us to a home-library. I try to contain my excitement, but I can't help but smile. I wonder if there is a quote book I could nab...

"Why is this room furbished? The rest of the apartment is empty," Miller said. Lucky smiled.

"The door was locked tight, and the owner didn't bother breaking in. Said that the mystery makes rich goons wanna buy it even more. But while I was checking out the apartment, I noticed a floorboard kinda uplifted, so I checked underneath and found the key," Lucky said. I sigh.

"You were sure as hell named appropriately," I say.

"But... why do we care about some library?" Miller asked. Lucky shrugged.

"I wondered that too, when suddenly, I found this..." Lucky pulled one of the books on a shelf, and instead of coming out, it just tipped over, and we heard an unlatching sound. Lucky pulled the bookshelf out of the way- which was just a swinging door leading into a secret room. We walked in, and Lucky flipped on the lights.

"Holy sh*t...," I said. It was another library, but different... on one vacant wall, there was a cork board with a bunch of pictures of natural disasters pinned all over it. in the center, there was a large work desk with a globe, a map, and a note.

September 25, 2019

Dad, if I see you soon, know that I did the best I could

Everyone is scared, and blaming each other, and me, and themselves.... and I still don't know what the hell is going on, and sure as hell don't know how to fix it. The world seems to be ending as we know it, and unless NATO gets his head out of his a** and starts constructing the goddamn underground base we could all die. He still thinks the base design is faulty, but we need to be fast if we want to live another day. America decided to pretend to be in charge today. Told me an underground base won't save us from an earthquake, or a sinkhole, especially with the design I came up with. But so far all of the disasters have been aerial or surface based... plagues, tornadoes, meteor showers, tsunamis...and where else would I put the goddamn base to keep us safe?

It's nearing the end of the month... the disaster always seems to strike on the last day of the month... and we're not even halfway through the bases construction. Luckily we haven't lost too many lives yet, just a couple cities here and there during the plagues...

Well, I guess we'll have to brace ourselves for the next attack. I'm going to the underground athenaeum. I still have a record book I need to put there.

- UN

"September 25th, 2019.... that's the exact day of the awakening....," I say.

"But... who's 'UN'?" Miller asked.

"He had a record book... who else had a record book that day?" I say. Lucky gasps.

"The Unknown!" Lucky exclaimed.

"We have to keep looking around for evidence! This is huge!" I exclaim. Miller looks at his phone with a panicked expression.

"That'll have to wait... we need to kill a bastard first," Miller said.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Rose was attacked, and Earl wants revenge," Miller says.

The darkest hour only has sixty minutes

- Morris Mandel

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