"...The Rear-Veiw Mirror,"

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Miller closed up the bakery for the day, and sat down next to me.

"So... Rose texted. Her and Brawn are over," Miller said.

"Good! All's well that ends well," I say. Miller nods.

"And I see you got a new trench coat," Miller said.

"Actually, it's not new, just washed," I say. Miller shrugs.

"Ok, well, you are a bit cleaner now... how about we go the the art museum eh?" Miller says. I hum in thought. The art museum is a branch of the BAM, where all the artwork we found is. Most of it is signed, but it doesn't matter when nobody could remember the person who signed it. I don't know why I'd want to go to some old museum...

But then I remember the boy...

If I find his painting... maybe I can find him?

It's a silly thought, but... it's something

"Ok, the art museum sounds like a great idea!" I exclaim. Miller smiles.

"Perfect! Follow me!" He exclaims. We get on the bus to go to the museum, and I explain to Miller everything I've been remembering, and America.

"Interesante... but how Can you be sure you didn't just steal the hat?" Miller asked. I hum in thought.

"Well... if I did, why does the name America bring up so many memories?" I say. Miller shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess he could be your son then...," Miller said.

"Is everything ok Mil? You're even more dismissive than usual," I say. He smiles, gazing out the window.

"Oh nothing... just... my beer Bud only wants to hang out with me so he can find his son," Miller says.

"Awww first jealous of Rose, now of America?" I say, leaning on Miller. He laughs and nudges me away.

"I'm not jealous! Just disappointed," he said. I smile.

"Ok ok... you have my utmost attention Mil, go ahead, talk to me," I say. And so, we start talking about life and everyday things, and we get into the museum lost in conversation. I almost didn't realize we were supposed to be looking at art. It's only when we get to a certain gallery I get snapped into the familiar world of deja vu...

This is for you... I hope you like it!

"Buddy? Hey, Buddy! What's wrong?" Miller exclaimed. That boy... his paintings... I know these paintings...

"Quick, who's the artist?" I exclaim, rushing to the 'biography' (although, it's more of a educated guess-taphy)... the name I see surprises me.

Artist: Australia

These paintings were found throughout 5 homes. The style and subject of the different paintings seemed to depend on which house it came from.

House 1: trees and nature

House 2: still lives and flowers

House 3: mountains and lakes

House 4: exotic creatures and oceans

House 5: abstract (reoccurring theme of space)

"Australia... but... that's not my sons name...," I say.

"Maybe these aren't your sons paintings?" Miller said.

"No... I saw this painting... in my memory...," I say, looking up at the bright star the boy- Australia- painted me.

"Well... artists are just... a new revamped version of the artists before them, and paintings tend to be similar at times, especially ones so simple-," Miller says, before suddenly stoping. I turn to see what he's looking at... and what I see surprises me.... it's a painting of me.

"This was one of his few paintings that didn't have a title written on the back...," Miller reads off of the painting description.

"Fantastic... an explanation would've been appreciated...," I say. Miller hums in thought.

"What if... you are Australia?" Miller asks.

"No, that wouldn't make sense, I saw him in my memory...not in a mirror, but talking to me... what if... I have two sons?" I say.

"I don't know Buddy... I feel like all of this is just a big stretch...," Miller says. I look around the room... no... I know these paintings! I've seen them! God damn it brain, THINK!

"Buddy? Hey, we should go-,"

"I know him ok! He- he painted me! He must be my son!" I exclaim a bit to loudly.

"Cállate! I get it! But you're having a panic attack!" Miller exclaims. Crap, I totally am. Im shaking, crying, panting....  Miller takes my arm and guides me away, but before we leave I push Miller away and walk up to a museum tour guide.

"Excuse me sir? What houses did you find Australia's paintings in?" I ask.

"Oh, the list is in the museum pamphlet... are you ok?" The guide asks. I must look a mess.

"I'm ok... I just... I saw a painting of myself in his gallery... I should probably try looking for him," I say. The guide nods.

"Good luck," he says. I take a pamphlet and rejoin Miller.

"Ok... this is the address-,"

"Buddy, save it for tomorrow. You are overwhelmed right now... let's just chill at my apartment tonight," Miller says.

"Mil, Im so close to finding what could be my family!" I exclaim.

"I know... but it's getting late... just breath for one second ok?" Miller says. I nod.

"Ok.... I guess we can just hang out for the rest of the night," I say. Miller nods.

"Good... c'mon, let's stop at the goldmine first... we can share a bud light," Miller says. I smile and nod. I'm kinda disappointed that Miller doesn't seem as invested in this mystery as I am... but, I guess it's like Byrd Baggett said... look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror...

If only he realized how much you need that rear-view mirror, especially once it grows foggy

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