The End

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(I think I should mention:

I do not condone the North Korean government

I do, however, sympathize with the people trapped there

So keep them in mind rather than Mr Kimmy when you read what's about to transpire)

We regroup, and then spend about two hours searching through the lockers. More memories flood back, and we all take turns crying. Star was right though, we remembered some very conflicting things...

"North...," Kiyomi- or South Korea- said softly. Star- or North Korea- just looked down.

"It's fine South... you don't have to force yourself to like me now...," North said.

"But... you're my brother... I love you-,"

"I'm just a monster. A heartless, evil, mean, cruel brother who doesn't deserve your time," North Korea spat. South Korea frowned, then punched NK softly on the arm.

"That's for calling yourself that," South Korea spat, before hugging NK close. "And this is because I love you, and there's nothing you can do about it," SK said. NK sighed, but we saw the grateful smile on his face.

"Yeah... well... Um.... Ame... you wanna... not hate each other as well?" Miller- or Mexico- said. I smile.

"I love you Mil... of course I don't want to hate you... I understand if you hate me though...," I say. Mexico shakes his head.

"After everything... I can't hate you... I don't quite forgive you... but I don't hate you," Mexico said. I nod.

"Well... I guess I'll have to end things with my wife-,"


"Things were kinda rocky anyway... Philipa is a sweet girl... I guess we weren't really meant for each other," I say.

"Well... let's go make this place known... it's time everyone learned who they are," Axel-or Germany- said.

A few months later, everything was back to normal.

With a few exceptions of course.

Luckily, Philipa wasn't too heartbroken by the divorce, especially since she remarried after the awakening. They were the young couple who were living at one of the houses in the museum pamphlet.

Milo and Kiwi- Australia and New Zealand- still jokingly call me dad. They found the mix-up hilarious.

And Lucky- Antarctica- fully recovered from being shot. That appropriately named bastard. Even though we didn't end up being biological brothers, we're now basically brothers after everything.

I finally gave Earl-or should I say dad- his hat, and he and Rose- mom- held another wedding, just as compensation for forgetting their first one. I told Miller I didn't have feelings for my own mother. Gross!

And dad was right, Brawn was Reich..... that absolute monster. But he's locked up for life so I don't have to worry about him.

And I found out some other cool things! The liquor shop owner ended up being my bud Finland. And apparently two dudes who had a rather spicy hookup at Canada's office were... well, I won't say who to save them from the embarrassment, but they were rather insistent homophobes before the awakening. Also, NK decided to become a healthcare worker and part-time teachers assistant to make up for past wrongs. Mexico reunited with his whole family, which was a hell of a block party.

And though I ended up not being a father...

Well... let's just say that will change very soon.

"So... how many were there again?" I ask, as me and Mexico get ready to go to the orphanage.

"Sextuplets who need a good home. I'd hate to separate them," Mexico said. I smile.

"I think we can handle six," I say.

Ok thas it

I'm hosting a Q&A if you wanna question me about this book

Love ya

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