"...The Stars,"

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Miller makes me some bread and buys me a soda from the Goldmine. As I eat, he sits next to me and talks about his other job. He works at the bakery on the weekend, but during the week he's a freelance artist.

"Yeah, one guy wanted me to paint him a picture of his... y'know," Miller said. I laughed.

"Did you?" I ask.

"I'm not that kind of artist," Miller said, chuckling.

"Maybe you can paint me something one day...," I say. Miller nods.

"Well, what would you like me to paint?" He asked. Suddenly, an image popped into my mind... a young boy proudly presenting me with a painting... I see his smile vividly....

I hope you like it.... I missed you

"Buddy? Hey, earth to Buddy!" Miller exclaimed, shaking my shoulder. I distract myself from the boys smile and instead look to the painting.

"...a star," I mumble.

"Hm?" Miller says.

"I'd like you to paint me a star," I say. Miller smiles and nods.

"Of course! But I'll have to make time for it... I've got a big list of orders," Miller said. I smile.

"I don't mind waiting," I say.

That afternoon, Miller closed up the bakery early, and I gazed up at the moons premature greeting. Voices dance around my head, but they are too vague and distant for me to recognize, and they aren't saying any words I can comprehend. I pick up my quote book and skim through it, and I flip to page 78.

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars,"
-Les Brown

I smile up at the moon, the voices in my head calming to a light hum. I get up and stretch. It's a lovely evening for a walk.

I am never one to wander, but when I do, I usually end up in oddly familiar places. Today I decided to wander to a grand lake. Some found evidence this lake was once named Atlantic. It's all so vaguely familiar, and I can't help but cry a bit. My mind is desperately searching for the connection... but I find nothing. I kneel down to the waters edge and peer in... as if hoping my answer lied in my own reflection. All I see is a tired man... a homeless man... a shadow of the man I could have possibly been before the awakening...

And suddenly, the water engulfs me as I lean forward a bit too far. I desperately swim to the surface, and once I get there I feverishly search my trench coats pockets for my quote book. I was relieved to remember I set my book and Top-hat beside me before foolishly falling into the lake. I pick it up gently, trying not to get the pages wet. Thank goodness it's a hard cover.

I begin to walk back 'home'... however this cold night doesn't take to kindly to drenched idiots. So, I'm uncharacteristically thankful to see Roman walking home with a friend.

"Roman! Oh, am I glad to see you! Can you help a friend out?" I exclaim. Roman groans.

"Um... do you know this man?" Romans friend asks. Roman looks desperate to lie, so I decide to answer for him.

"Of course! We met at the Awakening! Right Roman?" I exclaim.

"Yeah... what do you want," Roman said.

"Well, if you don't mind... I'm under the impression you have a dryer and some spare clothes... and I could really use both of those things right now," I say. Roman looks me up and down, and let's out a sigh.

"Very well, follow me...," Roman said.

"Excellent! Oh, who's your friend?" I ask. The man Roman is with let's out a slightly amused smile. I think he must assume my optimism and cheer is out of ignorance, and that I don't realize Roman despises me. I very much realize he does, and my optimism is mostly to piss him off.

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