"...A Grand Thing,"

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We drive around to the different houses listed on the pamphlet. Two of them- the animal and mountain houses- were next door to each other, however they had been refurbished into an animal clinic and plant husbandry center. We couldn't find anything there, so we moved on. The nature house and abstract houses were also next to each other, those houses now being occupied by a young couple and the other by a grumpy man who didn't seem too keen on my mission. We couldn't find any evidence there either, so that just left the last house...

"Buddy, this is my address! No wonder people are always passing by and staring at the house! The museum could've at least warned me," Earl exclaimed.

"Well, I guess let's look... maybe we'll find something?" I say. We search all over the house, even looking under loose floorboards.

"Oh! I found another photo!" Rose exclaimed.

"It's of me and that other man!" I exclaim. The photo showed the two of us just talking. Still, it doesn't really tell me much.

"I'm sorry Bud...," Earl said, sensing my disappointment.

"It's ok! It was good to check anyway right?" I say. Earl and Rose nod, but I can tell they wished they could've helped more. I begin walking back home, when I bump into Lucky.

"Hey Lucky," I say.

"Why so down?" Lucky asks.

"The search for my son is leaving me with more questions than answers," I say. Lucky nods.

"Well, you know what always cheers me up?" Lucky says.

"What?" I say.

"Nature, follow me," Lucky says. He takes me to the park, and we sit down on a bench and silently observe the world around us.

"It's nice out," I say.

"Yeah... I've always loved nature," Lucky said.

"Yeah... hey lucky? How'd you get your name?" I ask.

"Oh, I woke up sick... like, how you found me that one day. It was distressing to wake up and having your first ever moments of life be pain and confusion... luckily people were around and helped out... I barely made it... so, they called me Lucky, and the name stuck," Lucky said.

"Oh... I'm sorry Lucky...," I say.

"It's fine, I'm just so glad to be here, with a friend, in a beautiful park, alive," Lucky says. I smile.

"I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable... but through it all I still know... to be alive is a grand thing'.... Agatha Christie," I quote. Lucky smiles.

"Thank you Buddy... seriously... everything is going right in my life right now, and I owe it all to you," Lucky said. I shake my head.

"Don't give me too much credit, I'm just happy to help my potential brother," I said.

Since it's around noon, Lucky and I stop at the diner for lunch. We get seated, and soon afterwards Roman, Axel and another man get seated at the table next to us.

"Hey Roman, hey Axel!" I exclaim.

"Guten nachmittag Buddy!" Axel exclaims. I've never heard that gibberish before, but it sounds cool.

"Buddy, you can afford restaurants now?" Roman asks. I chuckle.

"Lucky is paying," I say. Roman nods, before handing me fifty bucks. I stare at him in surprise.

"Don't get too excited, it's just... I... I think I should be a bit nicer to you... considering...," Roman said, trailing off.

"Considering...?" I egg on.

"...I think I had a memory... it was of you... I think we were arguing? But... even still... That was the first thing I've ever remembered... so I don't really wanna lose you," Roman said. I smile.

"Cool! Consider us friends then!" I exclaim. Roman smiled awkwardly, and I can tell that cold, hard outer shell he has is breaking. I will definitely continue the fracturing.

By the time I get back to Miller's apartment it is well past 2. I hope he doesn't mind my walk turned into more of an adventure. I knock on the front door, and after a while I hear it unlock. I don't know why I expected Miller to open it for me. But when I walk in, my expectations are doubly declined when I see Miller cleaning up his art table, not giving me much thought.

"Mil? Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Oh nothing... just my best friend... mi amigo... my beer Bud..... he decided to be out all day with no explanation," Miller says. I smile. I can tell by his inflection he's just messing around. I rush up to him and wrap him in a tight hug.

"Ay, mi vida! How can I possibly make it up to you?" I exclaim dramatically. Miller tries his best not to chuckle.

"Nope! I'm already heartbroken, just leave!" He exclaims. I sigh dramatically, and fall to my knees. I begin to fake-sob. Miller finally let's out a laugh and holds out his hand. I take it and he helps me off my knees. "Great acting, you almost seemed guilty there for a second," Miller said. "Where were you all day?" Miller asks.

"With Rose and Earl trying to find hints about my son, then I hung out with Lucky for a bit," I said. Miller nodded.

"I see you also gave Star my number," Miller says.

"Yeah, sorry, I just didn't wanna lose contact and I don't have my own phone," I say.

"Eh, if I ever have some cash to spare I'll get you one," Miller says, before walking over to his mini fridge and taking out two bud lights. "Now c'mon, let's drink,"

"Actually, I have something better," I say, taking two tea packets out of my pocket. Miller chuckles.

"Alright, have it your way," Miller says, putting away the beers. Miller and I sit on his balcony and start throwing out random theories to each other.

"Ok, what if.... uhhh... Lucky is America! That'd be bizarre," Miller said.

"What if you're America?" I say.

"Pft, definitely not," Miller said.

"Yeah... you don't strike me as an 'America'... I like your name, it suits you," I say. Miller nods.

"I like it too... I almost named myself Águila," Miller said.

"Why Águila?" I ask. Miller shrugged.

"It just... It reminds me of someone... y'know? I vaguely remember someone loving eagles... hell, I think they're pretty cool too... but he loved them," Miller said.

"Who's 'he'?" I ask. Miller tears up.

"Hell, I can't remember... and I don't know why it upsets me so much... I don't know how you can take all these fleeting memories they just... they just make me upset...," Miller says. I grab his hand.

"I'm sure we'll find your eagle lover one day," I say. Miller smiles.

"I hope so... it feels cool to remember someone... it'll be even cooler to see them again," Miller says. I nod, remembering my two sons.


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