Chapter 1

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"And that is how William T.G. Morton founded anaesthesia." your head snapped up at those words. You hadn't been paying attention to the lecture. Not at all. Your college grades were pretty much good, but you mostly didn't pay attention to the lectures. Professor Sara pulled off her glasses and put them carefully in a case. She was just a year older than you, and had been part of the Shogunate. She'd been passed with a degree while still in school, due to her unusually high levels of intelligence. She made her way outside as a voice sprang up from behind.

"Professor, just wait, you'll be teaching about me someday!" the white haired guy with red eyes turned his finger up in the air and flashed a cheeky smile. Everyone laughed at him, some even mocking him. Arataki Itto was always the centre of the class.

He was an utaite, a member of the utaite group ROCKeT that consisted of him, Albedo and your former friend Gorou. Known as Koshisora. Well, that was something only you knew because of your being friends with Gorou before. Itto seemed to take notice of you and pointed at you, which made everyone turn their heads in your direction.

"Ah, you're-" he was cut off by an angry yell from Professor Sara, who slammed a book on his head.

"Don't cause a commotion in my class!" she huffed as she glared at him with her fierce yellow eyes. He sheepishly nodded his head but when she turned to leave, he turned to his friend and giggled, muttering "whats her problem?!" which made everyone else laugh as well. Sara gave him a last satanic look before leaving the lecture hall, evidently unhappy. Itto sauntered up to you, grin on his face as he threw an arm over your shoulder, as if you were his best buddy who he'd known for years. You shifted a bit, not used to actions like these.

"Aren't you Gorou's friend? Boy, am I glad I got to meet you. Its nice to see some familiar faces 'round here. Can't even meet the boys that often." Itto beamed at you as he smiled.

"Not friends with Gorou anymore. A lot happened." you murmured slightly as you practically slammed your anatomy book shut. God forbid these lectures. You almost fell asleep in every single one of them.

"Sounds like a lot to talk about. Well, that doesn't really matter, since its me and not Gorou who you're talking to- so we can still be friends." he reassured as he practically rested his head on your shoulder. Did anyone ever tell him about personal space? "Plus, I heard you're a valedictorian." he practically whispered. You sighed as you shook your head. You had good grades, not the best.

"I want you to teach me. Like seriously. I wanna be the best there ever is!" he pointed to himself as he puffed his chest out. You rolled your eyes at his statement before standing up to leave.You'd heard he was close to Professor Sara despite their fallouts. He should just ask her instead. It was lunch break after all. You wanted some time alone. Not hang out in this classroom with Itto and his buddies.

"Hey, wait!" Itto called after you but you paid him no heed. A few moments later, you felt his hand on your shoulder again. You whipped your head around to face him and asked the obvious question.

"What do you want?" you asked, a bit of firmness in your voice. You had kept yourself from having any friends or relationships all these years. It was a kind of 'I-don't-wanna-hurt-anyone' feeling that you had. You didn't want anyone to come ripping that resolve apart now.

"Like I said, teach me!" he groaned as he pushed a thick anatomy book in your face. Seriously? He wanted you to teach him anatomy? It was a subject that required memorisation, not a lot of explaining.

"I don't have time." you tried to step away but he blocked your view once again with a grin on his face, book in hand. You sighed and gave in. It wouldn't be a lot, surely, and he'd go away once he was done learning.

"What do you not get?" you asked, flipping open the book. Itto turned the pages to one about the structure of tendons, and you sat down on a bench, explaining him the topic.

Lunch break flew by and you'd had nothing, other than Itto's compliments about how great you were. You hoped he'd just leave you now. So what he said next was something you hadn't expected.

"See you tomorrow, buddy!" he waved as he literally romped to the next hall where he was having a lecture, while you were left in utter and complete dismay.

Seriously, who is this guy?

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