Chapter 13

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"KAMISATO, STOP THE CAR!" you kept yelling as you fumbled around with the doors and windows. Everything was locked. The blue haired Kamisato just sat silently, hands pressed down on his seat, accepting his fate. A misty haze covered his ocean blue eyes, residue from his tears acting as a cloud that numbed his sense of judgment. He'd given up on his life. And he was dragging you with him. 

This is gonna hurt.

You quickly removed your shirt and wrapped it around your hand. This was something you'd picked up when there'd been a fire at your friend's home. Your friend's dad had torn the curtains, wound them around his hand, taken a chair and dashed it against the glass. He'd gotten hurt, but everyone had been able to escape. There was no way you were getting out of this one unharmed, but there was no other option. It was do or die.

You threw a glance around you. Anything, anything useful would be fine. A steel can for storing coffee caught your eye. It lay glistening beside you on the seat. Ayato threw you a confused look as you grabbed the steel can lying beside you and glanced furiously at the window of the car. You couldn't hesitate, not now. Without much second thought, you shattered the glass with the can. You felt glass shards press into your body and winced in pain.

"KAMISATO, LETS GO!" you called out to him, and stretched your hand towards him. Ayato's eyes were confused. It was as if he was actually contemplating whether he should live or die. His eyes brimmed with tears yet again as he shook his head, remorse and guilt once again veiling his vision. Everything felt blurry to him. The only escape he knew was death. For how could one, in any way, escape the sin of having killed one he loved more than his own life? It was a sorrow deeper than any other, and it mutilated his soul and heart to the root. He raised his hand then pressed your back.

"All I needed was the courage. I can't kill you anyway.  Thank you for giving me the courage to come this far." Ayato smiled as he pushed you out of the car. You landed on the rocky bank, not much hurt except for due to a few sharp pebbles and the glass in your skin. You watched the car go down, with Kamisato Ayato in it. The realisation came quickly, and as vividly as a deathly pale winter morning.

Kamisato Ayato died.

"And its all your fault, isn't it?" Sei's hauntingly sweet voice, almost like Kazuha's, rang in your ears. He stood behind you, with a scowl set on his face, which later turned into a hum of contentment. You felt your stomach bulge as your (e/c) eyes met his crimson ones.

"I won't tell the police. I'll help you cover it up. You just have to promise me one thing." Sei's breath tickled your ear as you squirmed about uncomfortably. You hit his chest as you fell backwards, which made him give you a small grin.

"You have to be my girlfriend." Sei declared, a happy smile on his face, as he said those words.

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