Chapter 4

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You pressed (f/d) to your face as you took in the smell of the drink. Ayato stood beside you, cup of a fizzy drink in hand, that read 'ETERNITY'. It was a popular drink started by the Shogunate that had named their company the same, and in which all of them worked in seperate departments as heads.

"So, how'd you come to know Ayaka?" Ayato asked, running a hand through his light silver hair. He looked kind of hot. Okay no, that was just you being dumb.

"She's my former friend Gorou's girlfriend." you murmured quietly as Ayato's face lit up in recognition and a wide smile formed on his face.

"Gorou's a great person. He does whatever he can to make her happy and she loves him. They're a great fit." Ayato smiled as he caressed a ring on his hand. It sort of looked like a wedding ring.

"Who's the lucky girl?" you asked, looking at the ring. Ayato laughed sheepishly and looked back at you.

"Guy, not girl." he corrected. "I'm with Thoma, if you know him." you recollected the blonde haired attendant with emerald green eyes who always kept running after Ayaka. Everyone'd been pretty much sure he loved her but it was the opposite. And in the end, she ended up with Gorou as if their love story was some kinda fairytale.

"I see." was all you said as you sipped your drink quietly. Ayato peered over worriedly at you.

"You said Gorou was your former friend and you look really down- Anything happen?" he asked gently as his gaze locked with yours. He had drop dead gorgeous looks unlike a certain pushy, clingy, Arataki Itto.

"Not much. Just got his best friend killed who was also my boyfriend over some stupid first love fairytale shit and now the world hates me. No big deal." you smiled bitterly as you continued to intake the drink. Ayato's gaze fell as he let out his words in a low whisper.

"Sorry." he breathed as he tugged on his scarf with his hand.

"Its fine." you walked away from him and tossed the drink can in a trashbin. "Catch you later if we do meet." you waved as you hurried away from the spot.

Once you returned home, you were met by the familiar faces of your aunts and cousins. Beidou sat on a chair peeling oranges while Xiao watched a horror movie with an incredibly pale face on the television. Ganyu was seated on the table nearby studying and your other aunt Ningguang sat beside her inspecting her work. And sat beside her was none other than ROCKeT's manager, Zhongli.

"Why's he here?" you looked directly at Zhongli as Ningguang threw you a confused gaze.

"He's my boyfriend, Zhongli." Ningguang introduced. Boyfriend? At this age? Ningguang was unpredictable. And the fact that that boyfriend was Zhongli was pretty awkward.

"It seems we meet again, (Y/N)." Zhongli looked at you over his black rimmed glasses as you tried to avert your gaze but found his jaded eyes perfectly capture your gaze with their strictness.

"How do you know her?" Beidou marched in front of you protectively.

"She got into an argument with ROCKeT. She knew them since a long time, and even had Itto wrapped around her finger when she came to visit us. We highly suspect she recorded the thing to leak it and then hurt the group's reputation." Zhongli said. Ningguang's eyes widened as she looked at you suspiciously. Your heart clenched as you felt your chest tighten with anxiety.

"I didn't record-" your meek voice was cut off by Beidou, who looked at Zhongli as if he'd just insulted her pride.

"Shut the fuck up. Ningguang, control your boyfriend and don't fucking suspect my (Y/N). 'Kay? We both know she wouldn't do shit like that. I know she didn't record and if this has to do with her boyfriend from fucking years ago then get over it. Nothing's gonna change and you can't keep blaming her forever. She's just a normal girl." Beidou hissed as she held you protectively towards her.

Thanks, Beidou.

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