Chapter 15

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"She's been missing for days now." Sabo's eyes were red and puffy from crying over your sudden disappearance, which was most likely a kidnapping or worst case- a murder plotted by Sei. He'd been using his badge as an investigator to find you out and had a small task force led by himself on the job but they still couldn't find you. Of course, Ace was hella worried too.

The one thing Ace had noticed after your disappearance was the sadness Itto had sunk into. It seemed like he'd actually cared. And thats why Ace was here now, preparing coffee for himself and Itto. Itto had something he wanted to say, Ace couldn't guess what. He set down a mug in front of Itto and sat opposite him, his own coffee in hand.

"I like (Y/N)." Itto confessed as Ace almost choked on his coffee. His eyes widened as he studied Itto's face. He didn't seem to be lying. He was being real honest for a fellow who liked Sara.

"Don't you like your purple haired professor who turned you down?" Ace asked, confusion clouding his normal theoretical nature which would have probably found an answer by now. Itto shook his head and clasped the mug tightly.

"I liked her- for a long time- but with what happened between Gorou and her- I thought she hated me. I mean- she did act like she did. I didn't want Gorou to hate me either so I never tolf him- So I tried to move on to Sara, got rejected- lost my shot and ended up falling back in love with (Y/N). With the one who will never love me." Itto looked as if he was going to cry. Ace felt his heart soften for the boy. He cared deeply for his friends. For Gorou and (Y/N).

Ace walked over and patted his head comfortingly, something that had become his habit as an elder brother of three siblings whose smiles he'd sworn to protect. He wouldn't breach (Y/N)'s privacy and just reveal everything to Itto- but he could atleast try to make it better.

"She doesn't hate you. She'll return and she'll be safe." Ace sounded like he was reassuring himself more than Itto. He felt really useless for not being able to contribute to the investigation. He felt useless for not having stopped her when he should have. For not being like Sabo. For not being enough. It was his fault that all this had happened. His fault you were gone, with no guarantee of your safety.

"Ace, are you okay?" Itto asked softly, tugging on his sleeve. Ace put on a fake smile and patted his head reassuringly.

"I'm fine." was what Ace said. But deep down, he knew that wasn't true.

"ACE I GOT A LEAD I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!" Sabo yelled as he came tumbling in and almost fell. Again, Sabo was the better one. Always ahead. Always better than Ace. Just like before. Ace pushed away his thoughts of insecurity and inferiority in order to focus on the matter at hand.

"Where?" was his only question.

"Warehouse. He couldn't escape leavin' tracks behind. I think- he's luring us on purpose." Sabo bit his finger as he spoke, in deep thought.

"Luring-" Ace repeated, dumbfounded. Why would any criminal do something as stupid as leading the investigator straight to him? That was a suicidal move.

"Are you going too?" Itto asked, caressing his eyes which hurt from crying. Ace nodded and ruffled Itto's hair, trying to calm him down.

"We'll be back, Arataki. Take care of the house for us. I promise we'll bring her back." Ace flashed a bright and reassuring smile at him.

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