Chapter 16

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Kazuha smiled yet again for some unknown reason as he stepped away from you and looked at the entrance of the warehouse, sensing something. You tried to see who or what he was looking at but you couldn't move an inch from all the injuries.

"You're finally here. I'm killing you along with her." his voice sounded like a psychopath's. You understood who he was talking about. Who he'd led here. Your brothers. Your precious family.

"ACE! SABO! STOP, HE HAS POWERS, HE-" you felt a hand on your head and you trailed off. You looked up to meet Ace's dark eyes. He smiled as you looked at him.

"Wait here." he turned towards Kazuha. No. You couldn't lose them. You needed to stop them before Kazuha killed them. They obviously didn't believe Kazuha had powers. Ace lifted you up in his arms and placed you on top of a ledge where you would be safer. As you saw Ace walk away from you to Kazuha, you saw his elbow on fire. When you looked closely again, the fire was gone.

Sabo bent down to the ground, knocking it with his hand. You looked at him curiously, as Kazuha approached him with a knife in hand. But before that knife could strike, Sabo punched the ground, causing the entire ground to crack and form a crater. Your eyes widened at your brother who just grinned and leapt onto a piece of intact ground. Kazuha and Ace did the same.

"The hell-" Kazuha looked at your brother with curious and surprised eyes. "I thought I was the only one with powers."

"You wanna know something?" Ace glowered at him with his dark eyes fixated in a glare at him. "You messed with our sibling and you're gonna pay for it."

Ace leapt into the sky and raised his fist into the air. Kazuha drew a green blade made of wind and slashed with his wind powers at Ace, trying to cut him with high pressure. You prepared for the impact it would have on Ace's body.

Only, it didn't. The wind passed through Ace's body as it turned into flames. Ace was burning. You screamed as you looked at your brother, but he was only grinning and turned back to normal. He raised his fist again and a massive meteor size fireball drew into his hand, which he aimed at Kazuha. Sabo's shoulder went up in flames and he too undertook the same stance as Ace with a massive fireball in his hand.

"HIKEN (Fire fist)!" they yelled as the fire hit Kazuha, hot enough to evaporate anyone in an instant. Kazuha vanished into thin air before the attack could hit him, and tried to escape to you so he could kill you.

Ace and Sabo launched the same attack at him again, which completely engulfed him this time, and left only an extremely burnt Kaedehara Kazuha. They'd made sure not to kill him, though he now had burn scars all over his body.

"(Y/N)! YOU OKAY? We're taking you home." Sabo ran over to you and hugged you. Tears rushed out of your eyes as you looked at your brothers, who had concern on their faces as police personalle entered the warehouse to take Kazuha away. Your face twisted into a horrified expression as you looked at them.

"You're murderers. You killed him, didn't you? You're the ones who made it all bad. This is your fault. I was getting what I deserved- my injuries and his- its all your fault."

Ace and Sabo looked into your eyes and found no answer. All they knew was that you were extremely hurt and now, you hated them too.

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