Chapter 2

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As soon as you turned into the lecture hall the next day, you felt a thump beside you and noticed Itto sitting right beside you, smile on his face. You pointed to the number on the bench.

"You can't sit beside me unless you have the right number." you reminded him to which he nodded and produced a ticket with the number 62 stamped on it. Great.

Mr. Mihawk, the professor holding the lecture, walked in with a rather thick book and started explaining whatever topic it was that he'd come to explain. As always, it passed right through your head.

At the end of the class, Mihawk held up a hand towards you, gesturing you to come near. Itto waited by the doorway for you as you went up to the black haired man who stared at you with his piercing golden eyes that made a chill run up your spine.

"Your records are quite good, Ms.
(L/N), but you ought to pay more attention when I'm giving lectures." he stated sternly as he handed you a piece of paper. "A bit of extra homework is what you owe me. Make sure to pay attention from now on." he passed the paper with the homework details to you, and you groaned. As you made your way out, Itto hurried up behind you and caught up in a matter of a few seconds.

"What happened, smoothie?" he asked you. You looked into his eyes, weirded out by his strange new nickname for you. What sort of person called another 'smoothie'? He seemed to realise what your question was and grinned. "You're cold like a smoothie, thats why." he said, proud of the nickname. "What did Mihawk talk to you about anyway?"

"Extra homework for not listening in class." you frowned as you looked at the bunch of questions that Mihawk had scribbled down for you to spend an eternity finishing. He was one of the worst professors, honestly. But you had to admit he was good at his subject.

"Happens to me all the time, don't fret." Itto put his arm around your shoulder again. At this point, you were too tired to even argue. He was an incredibly extroverted person, while the opposite could be said for you. You'd been trying so hard to avoid friendships, didn't Itto get you didn't want to be in a friendly or loving relationship with anyone ever again?

"So whatcha gonna do?" he asked as you turned to the cafeteria. "After school, I mean." he added.

"Don't really know." you replied. Itto's eyes lit up as he bumped his fist in the air.

"Wanna come with me to meet the rest of the boys? Albedo, Gorou and Manager, I mean." he offered, eyes sparkling. Why did he even suggest that?

"Why do you care about me so much?" you raised the obvious question as you stared curiously at him.

"We're best buds, thats why!" he slapped your back obnoxiously, and to be honest, it kind of hurt. You winced a bit as you massaged your back.

"When did we become friends?" you asked, to which he just laughed extremely loudly causing everyone around you to look at you. Oh crud.

"We're friends because I, the one and only, the great Arataki Itto, said so!" he pointed to himself. He looked obviously proud of himself as he said those words. You only shook your head and kept walking as everyone laughed at you and Itto, who trailed after you with a wide smile on his face.

"I take that as a yes! It'll be fun!" he hurried up after you, book in hand.

"Sure, sure." you murmured. Seeing Gorou again would surely be awkward but you knew you needed to sooner or later. You had to come to terms with your past.

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