Chapter 14

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(N/N) - nickname

"No, I don't believe this. Is that kid forcing you to be with him? Just yesterday you were head over heels for that Itto kid!" Sabo declared as he finished his hundredth pace around the room. He'd been worrying since you were gone, and once he'd heard about your new relationship with Sei, he'd become even more anxious.

"You really okay, (N/N)?" Ace looked at you with a concerned face, his gaze gentle. He made you want to reveal the truth to him, but you knew he'd probably scorn you or turn you over to the authorities. You were responsible for the death of a man, or so Sei had made you write at gunpoint, making it out as if you were some sorta narcissistic murderer with a mental disorder that made you prone to denial. Ace placed a hand on your shoulder, then slowly pulled you in towards his chest for a warm hug. Ace was always warm, as if he was made of fire.

"CONGRATS ON THE RELATIONSHIP-" Itto yelled while running in, but the excitement in his eyes faded when he saw the serious looks on your brothers' faces. "Oh man, everything- everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. What were you doin' that took so long?" you asked. Itto brought up his phone.


"Kay, kay, how bout we all calm down, yeah?" Ace interrupted Itto's yelling session. "There's some parfait inside, I'll bring it." Your eyes glowed at those words. Sweets were just awesome. And you did need some right now.

"About that-" Sabo raised his hand. You and Ace rolled your eyes, not needing an explanation but Sabo went on anyways. "Kinda- kinda ate it all last night." Sabo smiled sheepishly.

"As is expected of you, eating six parfaits at a time- either you or Ace always eat the good shit, so there's nothing left for me." you pouted.

"Excuse me, I eat the bad shit too." Ace raised an objection, which made you smile a little. Ace, obviously proud he'd made you smile, ruffled your hair. You pulled your brothers and Itto near and hugged all three of them.

"AWWW GROUP HUG YEA LESGO HOMIES" Itto seemed extremely happy that he'd been included in the hug. Your heart skipped a beat again- the way this man made you feel, honestly. But it was never meant to be.

Because no one can rewrite the stars.


You didn't struggle. There was no use when he had that evidence. Sei brought out a knife, the blade glistening in the dark of the warehouse.

"Why me?" you murmured. Sei smiled as he dug the blade into your skin. The metal cut the flesh as easily as paper, and drops of blood poured from the wound, which would inevitably form a stream of crimson.

"This is payback for what you did to me." he said, crimson eyes glinting with pleasure as he continued twisting the blade into your stomach.

"I've never met you." you protested. Sei leaned forward to whisper into your ear.

"Oh, but you have. Say hello to Kaedehara Kazuha, love." he smiled maliciously. Your eyes widened as he pulled away.

"But you- you died, I saw it and I-" you were shut off by multiple Kazuhas appearing around you.

"Seems I got powers." Sei, no- Kazuha, said as he pointed to a strange glowing green orb with a symbol of wings on it- a Vision. The ancient legend. And this one was of wind. Anemo. You felt the wind pressure increase till it cut you all over your body.

And Kazuha just stood there, enjoying the spectacle like a prey that had obtained its revenge.

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