Chapter 12

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"ALL RIGHT NOW I'M SUPER SUSPICIOUS OF THIS SEI GUY AND-" Sabo rambled on. Ever since he'd caught the murderer behind the Snowman case, he'd become really self confident about this stuff. The Snowman case had been a ruthless case in Norway where young, married ladies were killed and transformed into snowmen by torturing them then attaching their limbs to two huge snow balls, their head resting atop the two balls as the snowman's head. Sabo had solved this case with police inspector Harry Hole, and earned a police officer graduate ticket on the recommendation of Inspector Hole. You cut off Sabo's overprotective rambling with a remark that threw him off balance.

"Sabo, just cause you got that police officer graduate ticket doesn't mean you're always right when it comes to stuff like this." you said in a slightly irritated tone. Sabo had made you stay away from many people in your life just like this. Sabo looked a bit hurt then slowly walked out.

"I'll go talk to him, sis." Ace said as he ran out after Sabo, yelling his name. You should probably apologise later. Sabo just genuinely cared for you after all.

"Can't comment a lot on that situation, but you should be careful, it doesn't seem very pog." Itto said as he brushed his hair with a comb. "Sabo's caught a murderer before so you should try listening to him." Itto added.

"That was what- like four years ago?" you defended as you pulled out your phone. One message from Sei, a simple "This is Sei." You added him in your contacts and replied with a "Hey, this is (Y/N)."

Can we meet today? I wanna hang out with someone-


Alright, my friend Ayato can pick you up if you're fine with it-

You mean Kamisato? He's Gorou's girlfriend's brother right? I know him, I've even met him before! I'm completely fine with it, anyone Gorou trusts has to be a good person.

I don't know Gorou, but I'm happy you're okay with it! And yes, Kamisato Ayato. I'll ask him to pick you up in five.


You recollected your last meeting with the elder Kamisato. He was married to Thoma, and the two were apparently in a good relationship. Ayato was kind to you, unlike Ayaka, who'd always been somewhat against you.

A few minutes later, just as you'd anticipated, the blue haired head of the Kamisato family swung into the drive and you headed towards his car. He unlocked the car doors and let you in.

"Sei's by the river. I'll take you there. Nice to see you again." Ayato said as he gave you a pleasant smile. You noticed that the ring on his finger was gone. The wedding ring.

"Are you okay? What happened?" you asked as you pointed to his ring-less hand. He gave a soft and sad smile as he caressed his ring finger. Something bad had obviously happened to Thoma.

"Thoma died. I killed him." were the only words he managed to mouth. Your eyes widened in shock as you gripped the edge of the car seat tightly.

"But why-?" you asked as a shiver dashed through your body, coupled with a rise of adrenaline. Fear. You were fearful at this moment, and you wished you'd taken Sabo's advice.

"He fell out of love with me and started to like Ei instead." Ayato slammed the car wheel. Ei. As far as you recalled, that was Sara's girlfriend and the vice president of Eternity.

"So you killed him?" you asked, trembling. Ayato shook his head as he pulled towards the river bank.

"He caught Hanahaki and made me kill him. He wanted to be free." Ayato said as his hands trembled. Hanahaki. It was a mythical disease in which one sided love caused a flower to stem from within one's heart, along with stems and thorns. The afflicted person would throw up petals and thorns along with blood, all until they died and became a flower themselves.

"It exists?" you whispered and Ayato nodded. A tear fell from the side of his eye as he let go of the steering wheel and stared at you. The river bank had now been almost overcome and the car was teetering towards the edge of the water.

"Hey- Kamisato- APPLY THE BRAKES WE'RE GONNA SUBMERGE IN THE WATER!" you yelled as you frolicked to get out of your car belt. Ayato gave a simple sigh and shook his head then gave you a small smile. The car's front wheels were now on the water.

"Lets die together, (Y/N)." Ayato smiled. And you, were simply terrified of that smile.


I had no ideas until this very Ayato scene appeared in my dreams yesterday, so shoutout to my dreams for giving this idea! In my roleplay, Ayato is a bad guy, become bad because he's lost everything. Maybe thats why I had this dream. Istg I was terrified when Ayato didn't brake the car and kept going into the water. Please send hugs.

"The Snowman" is a real novel by Jo Nesbo, do not hesitate to check it out! Its an awesome crime thriller, but will not recommend to anyone below 16.

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