Chapter 11

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Surprise update 💀

"Serves him right." Sabo huffed as you broke the news of Itto's rejected confession to him. Sabo did become a little mean when it came to people he suspected of using you, though you wished he didn't take that stuff so seriously. You hugged him from behind, taking in the smell of his cologne as you buried your face in his soft blonde hair. Sometimes you wondered how your brothers had such silky hair, the likes of which you couldn't compete with. Sabo rubbed your head with his warm, slightly muscular hand.

"I'd appreciate one too, Sabo senpai. In a reaaally rough spot." Itto declared as he flopped onto the sofa. Judging from his words, he hadn't heard what Sabo had said about the situation. Which was good in a way. However, that apparently did nothing to stop Sabo from throwing a glare at him.

"Good luck next time." Ace patted Itto's head in an attempt to smooth over the situation. Itto squealed while holding his head in his hands.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE MY LUCK, ACE SENPAI HIMSELF-" Itto fangirled. Oh god. He was becoming Bartolomeo. "ACE SENPAI, DO YOU KNOW MISS HINA?! SHE'S COLLABED WITH YOU BEFORE, RIGHT?" Itto's eyes sparkled. Ace smiled awkwardly as he threw a sideways glance at you, the look he always gave you when he wanted you to know that he knew something that must not be told. Well, you couldn't exactly guess what, but the look your brother gave you was enough to tell you what to do.

"Lets talk about something else instead." you suggested. "Like, a game of Smash Bros." you smiled. Itto's eyes beamed as he stood up from his seat.

"THE GAME'S ON, SMOOTHIE!" he yelled as you threw a controller into his hands. Sabo and Ace readied themselves as well, as you shifted back onto the sofa comfortably, grabbing your own controller.


Ace and you won against Sabo and Itto who'd been lumped in a team together to make them cooperate. You'd chosen Ace partially due to the fact that he was good at games as well. Sabo sucked at games, but he didn't like admitting it. Itto was decent, as decent as you were, just with a bit more spirit and more loudness.

You and Ace had popped down to the vending machine in the common area near the parking lot of the apartment, and you were about to insert your coin in the slot when you felt a hand brush against yours. You looked up to see a black haired male with red eyes, and an eyepatch on one eye. His hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and slightly messy. He looked a lot like a certain someone you had once known pretty well. Ace as always, being the protective elder brother he was, stepped between the two of you, and threw the stranger a questioning look, as the stranger's gaze roamed on you.

"Sorry, I'm- I've seen her a lot at university before, we're in the same lectures for the most part and uh-" the boy shyly muttered. "I think I like her." his voice was once again, similar to that person, but he was dead. He couldn't be alive. "My name's Sei." he said, his pretty eyelashes fluttering closed for  a second as he blinked his eyes.

Ace shrugged as he looked at you to give the verdict. You didn't exactly want this person to feel bad. You knew what it felt like. You'd seen Sei in lecture halls before, looking at you. Just hadn't paid much attention.

"Lets exchange phone numbers." you suggested, smile on your face.

Kazuha POV:

"Of course." I replied, a fake, sweet smile on my face.

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