Chapter 3

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"And here's what we'll do for-" Albedo's voice was interrupted as you and Itto entered the studio. You'd protested but Itto finally made you give in to go with him.

The studio was neatly furnished with not much room left for criticism, a rose gold wooden theme that would leave anyone in awe, black couches, a huge whiteboard and a couple of lockers and a desk with a bunch of phones charging on it.

The people in the room made you feel quite a bit of nostalgia. Albedo's emerald blue eyes searched you with a sense of intensity as Gorou huffed and turned his cerulean eyes away from you. Seated by him was a silver haired girl with azure blue eyes which were so pale in colour that they almost looked silver as well, who you recognised as Kamisato Ayaka, while the a long black haired man sat on one of the couches with a white mug in hand filled to the brim with coffee, who you recognised as Manager Zhongli.

"(Y/N)." Gorou muttered the name darkly as he turned to face you. "What business could you have with us today?" he asked, glancing at Itto when he asked the question, not you.

"I told her to come here to check up on our practice, duh." Itto rolled his eyes which made Albedo groan at his obliviousness. "You guys were friends weren't you?" Itto asked in confusion as even a crackhead like him felt the tension rise in the atmosphere.

"Because of her, a precious friend of mine lost his life." Gorou ran a hand through his dark blonde hair as he clenched his teeth. "His name was Kaedehara Kazuha." He spoke the name with a hint of reverence as he sighed. Ayaka placed a hand on his arm comfortingly. It seemed that she was still his girlfriend.

"Ah! Kaedehara Kazuha- that guy with the same hair colour and eye colour as me who I used to call a cheap copy of me?! He's dead?! Seriously?!" Itto directed his glance toward you and Gorou for confirmation. You averted your gaze and tried to fade into the background.

"Oi, Itto, stop being so insensitive." Albedo hit Itto's head. He groaned before catching Albedo by the collar and glaring at him.

"I'm not being insensitive, I'm just askin' stuff here that I don't know!" Itto declared defensively before lightly hitting Albedo back.

"Thats enough, you two." Zhongli stood up and hit them both on the head before settling back down to drink his coffee.

"(Y/N), I beg you to go back. Please." Gorou pressed both palms together and bowed his head. Ayaka looked worriedly at him then back at you. It was unfair. He made it seem like it was all your fault. How were you supposed to know that Aether was a psycho who was after your family's fortune? How the hell were you supposed to know any of that? You glared at Gorou fiercely.

"Are you having fun playing house with Ayaka then? Knowing she doesn't even like you." you snapped at him. Gorou seemed shaken by the retort and it made something snap inside of him. You knew you shouldn't have said that. Kazuha had always said that Gorou seemed to be stupid and easily swayed like a dog on the outside, but he was incredibly cool and calculating on the inside.

"I'm sure having fun, (Y/N). Just know that Ayayak loves me, and everything's changed over time. Except for you, of course." he muttered icily as Zhongli rose from his seat once more to control the atmosphere. He probably didn't want this argument to get out to the press either, in case you decided you wanted to reveal it and were recording all this. Itto looked awkwardly as he searched your hands for a phone from which you might be recording. No one trusted you, huh? And all everyone had for you was nothing but blame.

You quickly made your way outside even as you heard voices call after you and kept running till you felt yourself bump into someone. It was a silver haired woman with another blue haired one who you recognised as Ganyu.

"Someone you know?" the silver haired woman asked.

"Yup, Shenhe, thats-" Ganyu's words were cut off as you walked away from them. You didn't want to let anyone see you. Ganyu knew about the incident too. She'd probably blame you as well.

"Ah, miss, please be careful." you heard a male voice as someone grabbed your shoulder. You felt a car whizz past as you realised the person had just saved you from being the victim of a car accident.

"Th-thank you." you felt yourself stutter for what was like one of those rare times which left you shook, and tried to compose yourself.

"Looks like you had a bad day." the silver haired man in front of you spoke. He looked a lot like someone you'd seen today.

"You're Ayaka's brother, aren't you?" you recognised your always bandaged upperclassman in high school.

"Ah yes. So you know my sister? I'm Kamisato Ayato." he smiled.

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