Chapter 8

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(Y/Y) - double the syllable of your first name e.g. for Mira- Miramira, Karkar for Karen and so on.

Itto couldn't get her out of his mind. Sara was so beautiful, yet cold. It was kinda attractive, you know? And (Y/N) was her favourite student. She'd definitely know how to get him closer to Sara. Heck, they'd even attended the same school in the past. And since (Y/N) was his pal, he was sure that she wouldn't mind helping him out with his odd first love. He hadn't even expected her to be Ace, Sabo and Luffy's sister. He'd hit a jackpot with her. He waltzed right up to her as she entered the room, smiling as her elder brothers jested with her.

"Hey, (Y/Y)! I've got something important to talk about with you!" Itto declared excitedly as he took her hands in his. She averted her gaze shyly before looking at him again as Ace and Sabo grinned behind her.

"Wh-what do you want now?" she asked as her (e/c) orbs locked with his crimson ones.

Your POV:

You waited for an answer from the crimson eyed boy as his eyes gleamed with excitement. Did he feel the same way? Was that what he had come to tell you? Or was it something else? What if he confessed to you too? You glanced hopefully at him as Ace and Sabo grinned from behind.

"I LOVE-" those first few words made your heart thump with joy but your heart dropped as you heard the next words. "PROFESSOR SARA! CAN YOU HELP ME OUT, PLEASE? YOU KNOW HER SUPER WELL SO-" Itto was interrupted by your brothers' angry glares. Your gaze fell as you slowly nodded your head.

"Okay." you agreed. Your brothers softly spoke your name with worried faces as Itto excitedly rushed forward and hugged you.

"Thanks!" he practically yelled in your ear and you nodded, fake smile on your face. People like you really had no chance for redemption or for happiness. Just when you'd thought you moved on, things had taken the worst possible turn.

"I'll speak with her for you." you fumbled with your fingers as Itto yelled another "THANKS" and ran out of the room. You plopped onto the couch and clutched your chest as you felt your heart throb in pain.

"(Y/N)-" Sabo began but you couldn't bear to hear his voice right now.

"Sabo, can you please go away? Please." you muttered. A hurt look flashed in Sabo's eyes before something else clicked in his mind and he rushed forward and hugged you.

"I won't leave my younger sister when she's in pain." Sabo declared as he held your hands in his gently and wiped your tears away with his thumb.

"You'll find someone someday, (Y/N). You don't have to like that dense jerk who can't read the mood. You'll find someone down the lane, believe me. You're a wonderful person." Ace patted your head and smiled down kindly at you.

"I don't know- Just when things were starting to get better, I find out he actually likes someone else and-" your words were interrupted as your brothers simultaneously raised a finger to shush you and hugged you. You returned their embrace, and hid your tears amid it. You were really pathetic, to shed tears over something like this. Your brothers had been physically and emotionally torn so many times, and yet they continued smiling as if nothing had happened. You were so weak. What an excuse of an existence.

"Push those negative thoughts outta your brain cause thats probably whats happening now." Ace jabbed his finger at your forehead and smiled.

"EVIL THOUGHTS BE EXORCISED!" Sabo declared as he hugged you again.

"Its fine, (Y/N)." the two boys said simultaneously which made them glare at each other for a split second before turning back towards you, smiling. And you couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Thank you, guys. I'll try to move on." you wiped away your tears as your brothers grinned at you.

Maybe life isn't so bad after all.

Little did I know.

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