Chapter 6

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"Great place." you commented as you pulled into your brothers' temporary apartment. It was neatly furnished and looked pretty cool. The walls were a creamy white, but the furniture setting jet black.

"Its temporary, don't think its my choice." Ace grinned as he looked at you gazing around in awe. You couldn't help but laugh. Itto looked at you as if you'd just done something amazing. Which it maybe was, since you rarely even smiled.

"The colour palette's a bit bland." Sabo groaned as he inspected the furniture. He'd obtained himself a part time job as a decor expert before he went abroad for his master degree of law. Made him grumbly about things related to both fashion and law. He was really unique.

"I seriously can't believe this is happening!" Itto whisper yelled as he excitedly swung your hands back and forth. You giggled a bit at his fanboying. You'd grown up with Sabo, Ace and Luffy, so you didn't feel his excitement, but you knew how greatly he respected them. "Thanks!" Itto caught your hand with his causing you to blush as you gazed into his crimson red eyes, caught in his charm. This was really sudden. No guy had managed to make you feel that way.

"Hello, Earth to (Y/N)." Ace snapped his finger causing you to return to reality. "Room for you's over there." he mumbled, pointing to a door farther down the hallway to the left. You nodded and made your way there.

The room had just enough space for you to adjust all your stuff inside and a huge, fluffy bed with midnight blacl covers.

"Like it?" Sabo's voice sounded from behind you, making you blush. Everything made you self conscious at this point. You couldn't believe Sabo, your sworn brother who you'd grown up with just made you blush. You blamed it on Itto. Sabo was pretty good looking, but it was probably just because you got surprised and nothing more. Your mind was still full of Itto. Ughhh.

"You okay?" Sabo asked gently. You leant against his tall frame and shook your head.

"I don't know whats wrong with me- Damn Arataki-" you sighed dramatically. You felt Sabo's body tremble after which he burst out laughing. You stared at him in dismay. Sabo kept laughing till he dropped to the ground, and held his stomach as he continued his laughter programme.

"Sorry-" he tried to stop laughing, them when he finally calmed down, he continued with his initial line of thought. "Thats what love's like, (Y/N). Trust me. I've been there. Believe it or not, you're in love with that guy." Sabo beamed as he rose up again and ruffled your hair.

"SABO. ABSOLUTELY. NO. FREAKIN'. WAY. I don't like that guy at all! I just keep insulting him!" you spread your arms wide.

"You know how much Ace's girlfriend insults and bullies him, and they still stick together like glue." Sabo smirked. That was true. Sabo swung an arm around your shoulder and rested his head on top of your head. "Your time's finally come." he teased.

"Quit it." you said, red instantly flying to your cheeks. Sabo laughed his usual angelic laugh as he pecked your cheek. He was the over-affectionate brother, while Ace was the one who irked you the most and Luffy was the most clingy. You were honestly blessed to have them.

"When are you gonna tell him?" Sabo asked, looking at you with his gentle obsidian eyes. You pondered the question a while before settling on your answer.

"I'm going to tell him-"

A/N: Illegal cliffhangers 😏

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