Chapter 9

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"Who's the person you wanted vengeance on again?" Kugahara Tomo swiveled in his chair as he glanced at the white haired young man. He looked awfully similar to the dead Kaedehara Kazuha, the one murdered by the mentally unstable Lumine. And after her and Childe's death, Kazuha's reappeared again. Strange stuff. He'd disguised himself so Kazuha wouldn't recognise him, and hopefully, he wouldn't.

"(Y/N). My former girlfriend." his voice was torn with rage. His crimson eyes shook with anger as he spoke the name.

"Then who was the one Lumine killed in your house that day?" Tomo questioned as he recalled the one with Kazuha that day.

"I brought another girl back in hopes of making (Y/N) jealous enough to come back to me. And the utterly psychopathic Lumine killed that girl, but I escaped death by a narrow string." Kazuha bit his lip as he stared at the ground. "She hid my corpse up in the attic, but when I was taken to be buried, they noticed I was still alive."

"So now, you came to me. Is that it?" Tomo said as he looked at Kazuha with his glimmering violet eyes. Kazuha nodded as his bloodthirsty red eyes met with Tomo's purple ones.

"I'll help you out then. I have no problem whatsoever in helping you out with such a menial task." Tomo smirked at the avenger that was now before his eyes, having narrowly escaped death.


"Do I look good in this?" Itto asked you. "Would Sara like this?" Itto had worn a set of clothes you'd picked out for his confession to Sara.

"Looks good." you smiled. You were sure you could get over him. Unlike a certain someone. Who spoke right as you thought that.

"Decent." Sabo muttered grumpily as he glared at Itto. The blonde was really annoyed, you could tell. Ace had a hand on Sabo's shoulder, trying to calm him down. Sabo hissed at him instead, causing the both of them to glare at each other for an entire second before turning their heads away from each other. You sighed as you laughed slightly at your brothers.

"SABO LOOKED AT ME!" Itto fanboyed as his eyes sparkled. He probably loved your brothers more than he even cared about you. Well, whatever. You didn't expect anything at this point.

"SABO GREAT SENPAI LOOKED AT ME!" Bartolomeo fanboyed even more intensely behind Itto as tears splashed out of his eyes like a fountain. He noticed you looking at him and fell to the ground. "EVEN (Y/N) GREAT SENPAI LOOKED AT ME, IS THIS A DREAM?!" he cried intensely as a smile spread on his face. Weirdo.

"HEY CHICKEN HAIR CAN YOU GET SOME WATER FOR US?!" Ace yelled at Bartolomeo who jumped to his feet and immediately dashed out to get you water.

"Does this look good?" Itto asked as he came out in another pair of clothes. Before, Sabo could say anything, Ace clamped his mouth shut. You'd been in here for an hour because of him already.

"PERFECT!" you shouted as Ace nodded and shook Sabo's head up and down in agreement as well, which earned him a punch to the face seconds after, which he easily blocked and grinned. Sabo looked as if he was going to punch a hole in Ace's face as you gently pulled him away from the ravenette.

"Alright, time for the confession! We've got everything ready!" you bumped your fist energetically in the air even as your heart crumbled inside as your brothers shot you concerned looks for the nth time.

"YEAH!" Itto said enthusiastically as he hugged you, unaware of the pain he caused you everytime he did that.

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