×✿Promises Finale:]〒ڡ

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It was a dark, musty asylum. Itto had never thought he'd visit an asylum in his life, yet here he was, bracing himself for the worst. Two years. He'd fled town, he'd tried to get over the memories. Maybe even the fact that this was all his fault. Then, this one guy had convinced him to come back. He glanced at the General Mahamatra, one of the main reasons he had made his way back here.

(Y/N) was kept in a cell, stabilised with electric wires, there to give her shocks if needed.

"Its horrible. She looks so-" Itto couldn't find the words. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes held no life.

"They are thinking of including her in an experiment." Cyno muttered. "The Doctor decided on it."

"A what?" Itto found his breath hitch in his throat.

"They're planning to make her his companion. The test subject who has been at this facility for almost ten years now."


You opened your eyes to meet a boy, bruised with dark purplish hair and lifeless blue eyes.

"Ever think about running away?" he spoke, his voice barely a whisper. He looked as if he would break any minute.

"Let us start the experiment. Test subject- (Y/N) and test subject- Kunikuzushi also known as Scaramouche. Now commence."

See you in the sequel of the sequel, Scaramouche/Wanderer x Reader AKA BOOK 3! Lets hope he's the one for you~

Promises (Arataki Itto x Reader)(Genshin)Where stories live. Discover now