Chapter 7

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Ace ran a hand through his jet black hair as he typed away at his laptop. Paperwork was something he couldn't escape, he was the co manager of ASL along with Sabo, since they didn't really have anyone else, and their grandpa was against it. He ignored the constant text messages storming his mobile phone, probably just a collection of memes his girlfriend was sending him to while away her time and make him laugh. He smiled and hummed as he continued typing.

"ACE! LOVE HAS BLOOMED!" he heard Sabo's voice loudly yelling from the hallways followed by a 'MMPH'. He chuckled slightly and ignored the blonde and (h/c) coloured girl who barged right into his room as he continued working.

"ACEYOUKNOWTHATKIDSHEISINLOVEWITH-" Sabo spoke so quickly that Ace had to raise a finger to shut him up, which made the blonde raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Some of us can't understand your alien-ish language, so please, speak human, Mr. Sabo." Ace grinned at his brother, who just rolled his eyes in response.

"You know that Itto guy who's freeloading here and who (Y/N) likes, well she's planning to confess to him!" Sabo said excitedly. "Are you an impostor Ace? How are you so focused on work?" the blonde peered in at Ace's computer screen.

"Its the Faisen Fes one-" Ace declared the name of the music festival for which he was writing down arrangements, and Sabo's eyes grew smaller in anger as he stared at Ace. Well, it was work he was supposed to have done a week ago.

"I should have guessed, you-" Sabo started, but Ace interrupted him. He wasn't gonna listen to another of Sabo's six hour lectures which sometimes prolonged so much that they lasted even till morning.

"LETS TALK ABOUT (Y/N)'S CONFESSION INSTEAD!" Ace threw his hands in the air as he changed the topic and Sabo gave him a final glare, before his lips curved up into a smile.

"Its a secret to you, Ace. So be prepared." (Y/N) said as she grinned widely. He had a cute little sister. He would support her no matter what. She kinda even reminded him of Luffy sometimes.

"Then I'm looking forward to it." Ace grinned right back at her as she held onto one of Sabo's arms. Sabo was clingy, and it had rubbed off on her too. "NOWW I SHALL COMMENCE THE GROUP HUG!" Ace hugged both of them, one which they gladly returned.

"Ace, do you think I deserve it? If he says yes, do you think we shoul-" Ace cut her off with a reassuring smile and a pat on the head, which made her calm down.

"Of course you should. No one deserves to be unhappy, (Y/N). And you deserve to be the happiest. We're your brothers and we know you inside out. And we also know that you only deserve the best. You're a kind girl." Ace comforted her. "Although a bit ugly." he teased, earning a punch to the gut, which didn't hurt at all, but as usual, he pretended it did. It put a smile on his sister's face, and he loved to see that.

"Yup. I'd say you're the best girl in the world. Why, you even rival Boa Hancock in terms of beauty!" Sabo declared grandly. Boa Hancock was the most beautiful woman in the world. (Y/N) hugged Sabo and giggled.

Ace smiled at his two siblings and vowed in his mind to always protect them. If need be, he was ready to give his life for Sabo, Luffy and (Y/N).

And he cheered for her happiness, and hoped that Arataki Itto would accept her love.

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