Seven Years Later

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Word count: 1,448

Y/N spent her first year in the Joestar household, assisting her mother in the mansion (well, as much as a four-year-old could help). Rosemary and the other maids benefited from her assistance with their everyday responsibilities. The mansion's other nannies admired her. She earned the nickname "little helper" because she was always willing to help fold laundry, make beds, water the garden, and prepare meals. The sole chore she took on as her own was feeding Danny. Y/N saw it as her obligation to look after him because Jojo did not fancy him.

Spending time with Jojo was the one thing Y/N looked forward to every day more than anything else. They would go on adventures with Danny around the mansion or beside the neighboring creek. They would chase each other, play games, climb trees, tell each other stories. Thanks to Jojo and everyone else in her life, she even started speaking that year.

After a year at the Joestar house, George discussed with Rosemary the possibility of sending her daughter to school. George, like everyone else in the mansion, grew to love Y/N. He wanted nothing more than to provide her with a regular existence, despite the fact that she was not his child.

Rosemary believed that sending her kid to school would provide her with a positive experience. Regrettably, things did not begin so well. Older schoolmates, mostly boys, used to pick on Y/N. She would be physically shoved about and called names. The lads were aware of her and her mother's place in the Joestar manor, as well as her father's absence. She was just a bastard from Ireland who only lived with the Joestars because her mummy was the help.

Jojo was always there to defend and protect her, no matter what. He was always there to hug her and wipe her tears away when she cried. Even if he ran the risk of getting himself into trouble, he would always come to her rescue.


Seven years have gone by since then. Jonathan had reached the age of twelve, and Y/N had reached the age of ten. Despite their minor age difference and the fact that they were in different classes at school, they were inseparable.

Jojo was envisioned by Y/N as her knight in shining armor. She admired his bravery and developed a crush on the older boy as a result. Jojo's appearance was also maturing, and he was becoming a handsome young man.

What Y/N didn't realize was that Jojo was also crushing on her. He thought of her as a younger sister when he first met her seven years ago. Y/N had altered over time, and Jojo had noticed it. She was no longer the quiet rag-clad four-year-old child from Ireland. She'd developed tough skin, was intelligent, caring, and was his best friend. Rather than Jojo always standing up for Y/N, they were both standing up for one other. She never allowed any of their schoolmates to sully Jonathan's reputation. Her courage was something that needed time to blossom and it certainly did. He respected and admired her for it. Y/N stood out like a sore thumb. Her hair was a stunning fuchsia color, and her eyes were a deep magenta color that complimented her hair. Her nose and cheeks were peppered with freckles. Her eyelashes were long and wispy. Twelve-year-old Jojo would never confess it at the time, but he was smitten with Y/N.

They were just two kids who weren't entirely sure what they were feeling for each other. Still trying to understand those emotions.



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