A New Guest?/The Damsel in Distress

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Word count: 2,423


When we arrived home, we were greeted by Mother passing by with a basket of linens.

"Good afternoon, Mother," I said to her.

She smiled kindly. "Good afternoon, children. How was school?"

"Fine." we both said in Unison.

Danny dashed over to us at that very moment and jumped all over Jojo and me. His tail wagging with excitement.

"How ya doin' today Danny! It's so good to see you lad!" I said scratching behind his ears.

Mother smiled and nodded. "Good. By the way, Master Joestar has informed me that he would like to see both of you as soon as you returned home from school." She began walking away.

Both Jojo and I exchanged puzzled looks.

"Did we do something wrong?" I whispered to him.

"I don't know!" Jojo said, shrugging his shoulders.

He swiftly shifted his gaze to Mother. "Uhh, wh-what did Father want to discuss with Y/N and I, Lady Rosemary?" He was stuttering. Mother came to a complete halt and turned back.

"I'm not sure, Jojo." Mother was about to walk away but stopped again. "By the way, Master Joestar is in his study. You'd better go see him right away, you two." And with that final demand, she walked away.

"Y/N, JOJO!" Master Joestar yelled from upstairs, "ARE YOU DOWN THERE!?"

We exchanged short glances once more.

"Uuhh YES, FATHER!" Shouted Jojo. "WE'LL BE UP THERE IN A MINUTE!" "Hurry!" he whispered to me.

We dashed up the stairs and into Master Joestar's study, which was dimly lit. A faint desk lamp and the fireplace were the sole sources of light in the room. He was seated at his workstation.

Master Joestar stood up from his big velvet chair, "Ahh, it's lovely to see my children are here."

He appears to regard me as his own daughter. That's not to say that's a bad thing. After all, he is the closest man I've ever had to a father. Master Joestar is an awfully kind man with a big heart. Sometimes I feel sorry for him. He has this big mansion, has all the money in the world, wonderful caregivers, and a son that loves him. But I get the feeling that he feels lonely. Jojo lost his mother when he was just a baby. She and Master Joestar had just gotten married not long before her death. They weren't even married for long.

Once Jojo and I discussed what it would be like if his father and my mother got married. At first, we thought it sounded perfect. Master Joestar is handsome and kind and Mother is young and beautiful. But then I said that would make Jojo and I siblings and neither of us liked that idea. We never discussed that again. Still, I've always hoped that Jojo's father finds love again.

The man's expression became solemn all of a sudden. "We have a very important matter to discuss."

Jojo and I exchanged concerned looks.

"What is it, Father?" asked Jojo.

The room was deafeningly quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. Then, he spoke.

He sat back on his chair and looked at Jojo. "Jojo, do you remember when I told you how you're Mother passed away?" he asked.

My attention turned to my friend. As he gazed down at the floor, Jojo's expression turned sorrowful. "Yes, Sir. I do recall. She passed away when I was just a baby. She and you were in a terrible accident on that carriage ride. She died to save me."

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