Panic Attack

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Word count: 2,439


I had spent the day with Erina Pendleton. We had a swim with Danny together earlier today.

I've been spending an awful lot of time with her. One afternoon she had surprised me a basket of grapes. That was a lonely day for me because Dio had spread rumors amongst the lads that I was a snitch. I've never snitched on anyone in my life! But Erina saved my spirits that day. Since then, we've grown so close. She's a beautiful and caring maiden ineed.

 She's a beautiful and caring maiden ineed

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Erina Pendleton. Her name is music to my ears.

I began to think about Y/N and our kiss. To be honest, I felt guilty when I thought about her. I didn't know if I still felt the same way I have about her for the last few years. Since my time with Erina, my feelings have been for her.

When arriving home after a long day out, I decided to head to the kitchen for a snack.

I've been neglecting Y/N. Her feelings must be hurt.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion coming from our yard. I looked out one of the windows and saw that it was Y/N laughing with... Dio?

"Oh hello, Jojo. You're just in time for dinner." Lady Rosemary said, passing behind me.

She made her way to the kitchen and I followed. "Where have you been all day? Y/N missed you. She's been out with Dio today."

She spent the day with Dio!? But why?

I began to feel angry. "Why would she be with Dio?" I asked Lady Rosemary.

"Well, she wanted to spend the day with you, but you were away. She was very upset about it. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you. We'll be having a very special birthday dinner for her this evening."


I really am a terrible friend. She has every right to feel furious with me if she is. My best friend and I completely forgot the one day I'm supposed to remember. I've been too focused on Erina that I've completely neglected Y/N. She was so happy to see me earlier today, but I just left to have a swim with Erina. How on earth will I make up for this stupid mistake?

The time for dinner finally came and Y/N entered the dining room with Dio. When it came to sitting at the table, Y/N always sat next to me. Always has until today. She sat right next to Dio. Ouch...

She didn't speak to me once throughout the entire dinner. I may as well not even existed.

I had decided that I would wish her a happy birthday after dinner and apologize. Not just for forgetting about today, but for my behavior for the past few weeks.

Destiny Across Time: Book I ~ A JJBA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now