Cry Little Sister

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Word Count: 1,652

According to the December 4, 1888 edition of The London Press, "73 people went missing overnight in Windknight's Lot. A small village in the hills of 452 people." The article describes 4 strange looking men leaving the town early the next morning. One man wore a checkered top-hat, wielding an ominous-looking face mask. Another fellow walked alongside a white horse, dragging a wagon.

Y/N fell into a deep slumber during the events of Windknight's Lot.

It was believed that Dio Brando was defeated by Jonathan Joestar the night they fought on Windknight's Lot. Dio was presumed dead. Jonathan was able to find an old wagon for Y/N to sleep in. He scavenged the empty homes in the village for blankets for extra coverage. Speedwagon got hold of a lonely white horse to keep the wagon moving. Hamon masters, Tonpetty, and Straizo had also survived and traveled with the other two men. Along the way, they came across a large sledgehammer. That's when they took the opportunity to destroy the wicked stone mask that caused great destruction.

Jonathan finally brought a sleeping Y/N to Madam Avdol. He knew that she could be trusted and that Y/N would be safe in her hands. He came to visit them every day on the chance that Y/N would wake up.

He couldn't wait to tell her the wonderful news about his and Erina's engagement.

Y/N never did wake up, though.

Two weeks later, he married Erina Pendleton, who was now Erina Joestar. The newly weds decided to take a ship to America to start their honeymoon.

However, before he did, he left a handwritten letter for Y/N and a small box containing a gift. A letter he gave to Madam Avdol to keep in the meantime. "When she awakens, please, won't you give this to her?" he kindly asked, handing her the envelope and the gift box.

Madam Avdol agreed and congratulated Jonathan on his marriage as well as wishing him good luck on his honeymoon.

The ship, however, never made it to America.

An accident caused the ship to burn, killing everyone on board.

The only known survivors were Erina and one lucky baby she was able to save. The two stayed afloat in a casket for two days before they were finally rescued near the canary islands.

It was Erina who would continue the Joestar bloodline, for she was with child.

Two weeks after Jonathan Joestar's death, Y/N finally awoke.

She woke up started. It didn't help that she didn't know where she was. Once she calmed down, she began to recognize her surroundings, which were dimly lit by lanterns. She then caught the scent of her friend. Madam Avdol's quarters.

"M-madam?" she called out loud. There was a hint of distress in Y/N's voice.

The woman she searched for came into the wagon surprised. "Y/N?" She called. "You're awake!"

Madam Avdol kneeled down and embraced Y/N, still lying on her cot. She could smell the woman's sweet scent. Sweetpeas

Y/N's dream was still on her mind. Or was it a dream? She decided to keep it to herself.

"I'm so glad you're finally awake, Y/N!" she spoke. Her voice was beautifully deep. It's almost hypnotic.

Y/N embraced her back in silence.

When the embrace was over, they sat up and gazed at one another in silence. That is until Y/N began asking questions.

"How long have I been asleep, Madam?" she asked the woman.

Destiny Across Time: Book I ~ A JJBA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now