Knockin' on Heaven's Door

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WARNING: This chapter may be triggering for some readers in the second half.

Word Count: 2,150

During this fight, Y/N felt it was her duty to protect Jojo from Dio, which proved to be a bit tricky. She had to protect him yet keep her distance. Not only so that Jojo's hamon attacks could make contact with their enemy, but also so they would not hit her accidentally & possibly kill her in the process. Y/N too was a vampire, and the sun was her ultimate weakness just as Dio's. She had to be extremely cautious.

Whenever Dio tried to freeze Jojo with his ability, Y/N would use hers to melt it away.

Dio was doing everything he could to kill Jojo. All of his inhuman power was directed at his enemy and nemesis.

With Y/N, however, he was holding back. At least, at first, he was. Eventually, the two were shoving each other into the walls of the old castle and breaking them. There were bricks and clouds of dust surrounding them each time they exchanged attacks. As much as Dio wanted to hold back, he knew he couldn't. Y/N was becoming more vicious. He thought about how Y/N stomped him out that time and how he felt that horrible pain. Freezing her at any time was out of the question as Y/N would just use it against him with her water abilities.

I am such a fool. Dio thought.
What am I doing?! Why am I letting this woman do this to me? She really doesn't stand a chance against my power! I must put her in her place once and for all.

As much as he didn't want to, he actually began to put up a fight against Y/N. This brought Dio no pleasure whatsoever. Even knowing she could heal rapidly after breaking her, he certainly wished he didn't have to. Hearing her screams and cries of pain made him feel ill. He didn't care if she had already hurt him in the past. This was the woman he grew up with, the one he loved. Dio just wished she would surrender and live the life he wanted for the both of them together.

However, Dio still had to deal with Jojo. As long as Jonathan Joestar was alive, nothing could be perfect.


Dio had Y/N in the air. He was grabbing her by her neck, and I could hear that he was crushing her. Y/N could only whimper.

I couldn't stand seeing her get hurt anymore.

"DIO, LET HER GO!" I shouted angrily.

Dio turned to me. "Hmm?". Y/N is still being held up. He had a sly grin on his face.

All this time, she's been taking so much pain just to protect me. She shouldn't be in this fight. I won't let you get hurt anymore, Y/N!

"Haven't you made her suffer enough already, Dio!" I screamed. "Don't you ever just grow tired of making others suffer at your hand!? Just leave her alone!"

Dio's hold on her continued. His grin faded.

"No, Jojo. You have no one but yourself to blame for all the pain that is being inflicted on Y/N. After all, you're only a weak human. Not even your precious Hamon is enough to stop me." he claimed.

I gasped. WHAT!?

My face was hot with anger. "What do you mean I'm the one to blame!? Look at you, Dio! You say that you love Y/N, but look at yourself!"

My fists were clenched as I snarled. "LET HER GO!"

Dio was silent for a moment. "You don't have what it takes to defeat me, Jojo. If you were stronger, more powerful, maybe you'd stand a chance..."

Destiny Across Time: Book I ~ A JJBA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now