Return of the Butterflies

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Word count: 2,653


I found out that the three men that tagged along with Jojo and Speedwagon were Hamon disciples. They were good friends of Baron Zeppeli. There were two young, muscular men, and one older, frail looking man.

 There were two young, muscular men, and one older, frail looking man

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The blonde man introduced himself to me.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Y/N. I am Dire." I could sense his gentle nature from the kind smile he flashed at me.

"Baron and I were good friends. We trained in the ways of Hamon together during our younger days." he explained.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Dire." My expression grew sorrowful. "I'm deeply sorry that you have lost your friend. Baron treated me like a human being and accepted me for who I am. He gave me wisdom that I  will keep with me always. And he helped me to understand my own abilities."  I replied.

The blonde man nodded. "I'm happy to hear that he impacted your life positively. I will miss my friend dearly."

Straizo was the raven-haired man. He also trained at the same time with Baron and Dire. He introduced himself as Dire did, but he seemed much more curious about myself.

"Tell me, Y/N, what does it feel like to be a creature of the night?" he asked, his voice deep in tone. "I find it quite fascinating that you are able to resist your need for human blood. Victims of the stone mask are not known to be like yourself."

Creature of the night... I cringed at his words. They made it seem like I was also a monster.

I like to think I'm different from the others. Regardless, I answered his curiosities.

"I am able to survive without feeding on blood through sleep somehow. Sleep rejuvenates my body. Sometimes I sleep just like you and every other human, sometimes I sleep for weeks. Almost like a coma. It's the long slumbers like those that help me the most." I explained. "Although my transformation has made me very powerful, I yearn for the return of my humanity. Unfortunately, I can never have it back..."

Straizo remained quiet and nodded in response.

The older, bald man then introduced himself as Tonpetty.

"It was I who trained Zeppeli." he said to me.

My eyes widened out of excitement. "So, you're THEE Hamon master. That's incredible. It's an honor to meet you, Sir." I left my right hand out waiting for him to shake it.

Jojo interfered. "Oh-uuh, Y/N, where Master Tonpetty comes from, handshaking is not the proper way to greet someone." he explained.

Jojo put his hands together, as if he were about to pray, faced Tonpetty and closed his eyes. I looked around and saw that everyone else was now repeating the same gesture. I quickly put my hands together and greeted Tonpetty properly.

Destiny Across Time: Book I ~ A JJBA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now