★ 25: jupiter

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ships : laisy
genre : fluff

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the studio is the same as it is any other day: warm ceiling lights illuminate the room. the wooden floor shines with polish. the mirror wall is spotless. it looks brand-new, but it's a familiar place, home, to the two dancers who entered it.

daisy strides over to a speaker near the mirror. she connects her phone to it and the soft sound of guitar strings fills the air. they must have heard this song a million times already, yet they'll never get tired of it.

"may i have this dance?" she asks, holding out her hand expectantly.

luke doesn't respond immediately, but he takes it. "of course."

and with sugary sweet enthusiasm, they dance. they pirouette in sync as soft vocals flow through the air.

in perfect harmony, their bodies weave in and out of each other. every movement feels natural. they sing along to the music, knowing every line by heart.

they don't need all the fancy stuff they had back there. they don't need the audience, the backup dancers, or the stage. they don't need that person whom daisy was dancing with on it—luke couldn't be bothered to learn their name. all that matters is the art that these two are making; the piece of heaven they're getting lost in with every step.

she runs to the other side of the room. he follows right after, meeting her with a grin.

daisy fit right into this little world. her snow-white hair glows under the studio lamps. her skirt, light as a feather, sways and spins as she glides across the room. she's ethereal. he's convinced she's actually a fairy or even an angel; he just needs to find her wings.

hand in hand, they twirl around each other. graceful kicks and bends are interspersed throughout their dance.

euphoria drips like honey from every string plucked, every drum beat, and every note sang. throughout their dance, they cherish the brief moments of physical closeness. the scent of vanilla on daisy's clothes and the soft touch of her skin is enough to make luke's heart race.

he lifts her, her stomach rested on his shoulder, and it's like they're floating in space.

the song ends too soon, fading away, but the magic lingers in the air.

luke has so much on his mind that he wants to let out; his infatuation is overwhelming. but there's a shine in daisy's eyes and a breathless look on her face—something similar was going on in her head.

but he can save his words for another day. of course, actions speak louder than words. he knows exactly what to do.

leaning down slightly, he rests his hands on her waist.

"can i kiss you?"

daisy pauses, surprised but not at all upset. "yes."

she gets up on her tiptoes. then, silently, their faces inch closer together and meet at the lips. it was as if they planned it out with each other in their minds.

all tension melts away like ice cream. she brings a hand up to his face. he can taste a hint of caramel.

they part, staying in an intimate embrace, and eyes barely open, luke whispers, "please tell me this isn't a dream."

soft slender fingers rest on his cheek. "this is real." daisy's smile can be heard in her voice. she leans her head on his chest. "i really like this. i really like you."

there's so much luke could say, so many ways he can respond...

but his mind fails him; his speech tumbles out a mess. "i, um, uh..."

with a sheepish laugh, he settles for silence and pulls her near. she understands.

they're at home with each other, and that's enough.

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author's note:
i just love disappearing for months and coming back w almost nothing new 🤩 /sarcasm

anyways !!!! have laisy !!!! this is based on an idea i had where daisy has to dance for a school concert n luke helps her practice in their free time . idk if i'll ever write the full thing so this is what i imagine the ending being like :]

this oneshot and the whole story is based on flower face's song "jupiter" and it's music video. i recommend u check it out, it's such a sweet song n the mv is beautiful aaaa

flower face has rlly poetic songwriting so i tried to push myself w the descriptions here ! also my writing is rlly plain n i wanted to change that lmao . constructive criticism is appreciated :D

i might be sticking w the all-lowercase writing from now on hmhm

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