★ 8: Pink-haired Rebels

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ships : milliot
genre : fluff
cw : slight transphobia
requested by Storm_Studios

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After getting her things from her locker, Milly made her way out of the school. The hallways were crowded with students who were excited for the weekend to arrive.

A certain voice stood out from all the chatter in the corridor.

"Hey! Milly!"

She turned around to see her favorite garden boy, who wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, Elliot," she said with a smile on her face.

They've been dating for a while now, yet whenever Elliot's around, Milly still feels all warm and fuzzy inside. You know, that feeling you get when you see your crush. The butterflies. Something like that.

"So, I was thinking we could maybe hang out at my place for a bit. I've been working on my own little garden in my backyard. I thought you might like to see it," the pink-haired boy said.

"Oh yeah, sure, that would be awesome," she replied with a grin on her face and red cheeks.

But then a certain snake and her boyfriend interrupted their moment.

"Hey, freaks!"

The so-called golden couple of the school strolled over to them.

"Oh, what's this, Zoey? Got bored of your girlfriend so you decided to crawl back to your sugar daddy?" Milly taunted.

Of course, Zoey was offended. She let out an overdramatic gasp. An evil grin then made its way onto her face. "Well, you're one to talk. How do we know you're really a girl?"

Drew joined in. "Yeah. Hey, flower boy, what do you think about your 'girlfriend' being a-"

Elliot didn't let him complete his sentence. He grabbed Drew's collar and slammed him against the lockers. The sound of the impact rang throughout the hall, grabbing the attention of many bystanders. They stood in awe as they watched the seemingly gentle boy who was thought to never hurt a fly threatening one of the bullies. This was something none of them would even dare to do.

The pink-haired boy quickly smacked Drew's face then grabbed both his arms so he can't move them.

"Don't even think about finishing that. And don't mess with me or Milly ever again," Elliot snapped. "You now know what we're both capable of."

Milly was surprised. Drew genuinely looked scared. If it weren't for the current situation, she would laugh. She couldn't believe it.

"Monster!" Zoey shrieked. "Get off of him!"

Someone ran off to get a teacher to ease the situation. In fear of getting in trouble, Elliot quickly let go of Drew and grabbed Milly's hand. The two then ran out of the school in a panic. Students parted like the Red Sea as they rushed past them.

They could hear loud and quick footsteps and guessed people were trying to chase them. "Milly, come on, let's go faster!" Elliot yelled, yanking her hand.

The two fled the campus as fast as they could. They continued speeding down the sidewalk until they were sure anyone who went after them had given up. They took a short break in an alleyway, trying to catch their breath.

"Wow. That was... quite the adrenaline rush." Milly let out, panting.


Once Milly felt rested enough, she stood up. "Okay, Elliot, that was awesome! I didn't know you could be so badass!" She exclaimed with wide eyes and grinning lips.

Elliot got up. "It- it was nothing, really. I couldn't just let them pick on you like that, " he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"But- damn, we'll in serious trouble when we go to school tomorrow."

"Yeah... I guess we should just make the most out of today," Elliot replied with a smile. "Before we go to hell," he added, laughing a little.

Milly chuckled. "Sure."

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author's note :
While I do hate Drew with a passion, I didn't want him to get severely hurt lol. Also, no, Milly isn't transgender in this one. Drew and Zoey are just being r00d >:[.
And why does everyone have pink hair in this chapter-

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