★ 4: Cleaning

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ships : sean x luke
genre : fluff, kinda angsty ? idk
cw : mentions of family issues
requested by Cat-con

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

Luke was walking back to the music room. He had forgotten his phone there. It was a good thing he realized it only a few minutes after classes ended, or somebody might've stolen it.

He entered the room and found Sean sweeping the floor. He seemed to be stuck in his own world. Luke could stay by the door and watch him clean, but he had something to get.

He walked to where his phone was and grabbed it. Sean was on the other side of the room, and he didn't seem to notice Luke's entrance. Luke walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. Sean jumped a little.

"Oh- uh, hi, Luke."

"Hey, Sean." Luke wore the same gentle expression he'd always have on his face.

"Oh yeah! Luke, you left your phone-"

"I know. I already got it." He held it up for Sean to see. "That's why I came here."

"Okay. Well, shouldn't you be going now?"

Luke didn't want to leave yet. He turned on his phone and typed a quick message to his parents saying he'll be arriving later than usual because he had to clean a classroom.

"What did you-"

"I'll help you. I told my parents I'll be home later than usual."

"O-oh, it's fine. You don't have to. I'm doing fine on my own."

"You'll be able to finish quicker if I help."

Sean looked uneasy. There was a moment of silence.

"Are... you okay, Sean?" Luke asked.

"Y-yeah. I guess you could help me today. I gathered some trash over there." He pointed at a corner where a small pile of papers and candy wrappers could be found in a cardboard box. "Could you take it out?"

"I just got here and you're already sending me out?" Luke asked, feigning betrayal, complete with a gasp for added effect. Sean laughed.

Luke smiled when he saw Sean lighten up. He was glad he could make him feel a little better, even if he didn't know what was upsetting him in the first place.

"Okay, I'll go," Luke said as he made his way to the box. He picked it up and left the room looking for the nearest trash can.

When Luke entered the music room, he found Sean blankly staring at the wall.

"Um- hey, Sean?" Luke said as he walked over to the boy. "You were staring off into space. Is everything alright?"

Luke could tell something was wrong, though he didn't know what it was. He put his hand on Sean's shoulder.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

Sean teared up and hugged Luke. He hugged him back.

The two stood in silence for a moment.

"Staying back to clean is just my excuse to not go home," Sean said, his voice barely above a whisper. "My home life... It isn't the best."

Luke was suddenly very concerned. "They don't hurt you, do they?"

Sean laughed a little. His expression was still sad, though. "They don't even notice me walk in."

"I am so sorry. Why didn't you tell us?"

"When I graduate in a few months, I'll move out. Besides, it's not like you can help."

Luke let go of the hug.

"We could've... comforted you, or... maybe even sneak you out when things get too harsh? It's your last year here, Sean. You should be enjoying it as much as you can."

Sean sighed. "I guess you're right." He smiled.

Luke thought for a bit, then smirked at the other boy. "I'll tell you what, we'll hang out today, after cleaning. I don't care where, as long as we do it today. You deserve it," he quickly said.

"What about your parents? You told them you'd only stay behind to clean. Aren't they strict?"

"Who cares? This is about you. I can handle the repercussions."

"Well, if you insist." Sean chuckled at his friend's sudden rebellion.

"Great! Let's get cleaning then. The room's pretty small, so we'll finish in no time."

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

author's note :
I finally get to write the best boys uwu. Also, I want you folks to know that I am willing to write almost any ship. It's fun exploring different ships and seeing how characters fit together!

Also, I just guessed what Sean's situation is like based on an image Rosy sent in the Discord server (well, it was more of a joke and I can't find it anymore, lol). I was never shown any serious spoilers.

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