★ 7: Before You Go

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ships : saisy
genre : fluff
requested by onionsaltAH

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Sean was standing by his locker, fixing some things. Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. They let go, and he turned around to see a girl with white hair and blue eyes.

"I can't believe you're graduating in a few weeks, Sean! Congratulations!" Daisy said cheerfully.

"Thanks, Daisy." Sean noticed the girl now looked a little sad. "Something wrong?"

"I guess I'm just a little sad you'll be leaving... we only just met, after all. I'll miss you."

"Oh- uh, well, I'll miss you too. Maybe we can meet again after we're both finished with our studies?"

"That's a long time..." Daisy thought for a bit. "I know! How about we make this weekend special! Something to remember while we wait."

"That sounds like a good idea, sunshine," he said, embracing her.

"So... Saturday, this afternoon, maybe around 4? What do you say?"



"Okay, we're here!" Daisy announced.

The couple was standing on a boardwalk. The sky was a brilliant blue and the sun was shining brightly.

They didn't plan on getting into the water, so they just wore simple clothing and brought little with them. They also both had lunch prior to meeting up.

"Wow. This place is more beautiful than I remember. I haven't been here in a while, heh," Sean said, looking around at the place.

I guess that makes today really special then!" Daisy replied with a little laugh.

The two strolled around the beach with their fingers interlaced. They were sharing stories.

"And Luke got flustered as soon as he saw Zander!" Sean said, talking about the time he and his friends went to this beach. "Those two are so obvious. Can't believe they've only started dating now. It's like everyone knew they like each other except for them."

Daisy laughed. "It sounds like you really enjoyed being in the music club."

"Yeah. We're basically family. We made some of the best memories together. I'll miss them. And I'll miss you too, Daisy. Even if we only just got to know each other."

The light-haired girl smiled warmly. "That's nice to know. I'll make sure to always find time to talk to you!"

The two walked in comfortable silence. They then stopped by a small stand to get drinks.


It was getting dark now, and a lot of people had left. Sean and Daisy were sipping their drinks and watching the sunset.

Sean looked at the girl standing next to him. They had only met a few months ago, yet they were really close.

"Daisy, I can't believe I got to meet you."

Daisy turned her attention to him.

He continued, "You are one of the nicest people I've ever met. You always somehow manage to cheer me up when I'm down, and you're always there to comfort me- I just- I love you so much."

Daisy's eyes widened but quickly softened as a smile made its way onto her face. She moved closer to him, and Sean felt a pair of lips on his. He closed his eyes and savored the moment.

The two moved away from each other.

"I love you too."

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

author's note :
I feel single xd
As always, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! Sorry for the delay in writing chapters.
Also ep 4 of TMF was awesome, though I hope we get to see more of Luke. Don't get me wrong, I frickin' love Lander, but I don't want to see Luke's story just revolving around Zander. (hi future melt again. it's funny because luke's story did just revolve around zan and i'm not even much of a lander shipper anymore lmao)

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