★ 13: A Sudden Confession

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ships : milliot
genre : fluff
requested by Danganfan21

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Milly wandered around the school's garden, admiring the many colorful flowers of varying shapes and sizes around her. There were also vegetables growing nearby for kids to use in their classes. Most students have left around an hour ago, so it was like Milly had the entire place to herself. But she wasn't alone. She was here to meet with someone.

In the middle of the natural area, she found a stone fountain. Its cool gray color made it stand out from all the plants surrounding it. Sitting on the edge was a light pink-haired boy with round glasses calmly reading a book. Milly smiled and sat down next to him, but he was too engrossed in his story to notice. She lightly tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The boy flinched at the sudden contact.

"O-oh, hey, Milly," he said, quickly relaxing once he saw who was beside him.

"Hi, Elliot," she said as he closed his book. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah, sure."

As they made their way to see the orchids, which had just started to bloom recently, they talked about their common interest: plants, specifically flowers.

"I once looked it up; orchids are associated with love," Milly said, which made her grin subconsciously.

"Yeah. And because of their color, purple orchids also symbolize royalty," Elliot replied, smiling back at her. "Well, orchids were also associated with... um, other things, due to their namesake, b-but we don't need to talk about that!" He added.

"Wait, what?" Milly asked right before she realized what he meant. "Oh..." She knew from her research. Both of the teens turned red at the thought. "Let's... keep on walking." Elliot quickly agreed with her.

While they continued walking, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, but Milly didn't notice until she heard him call out her name a few seconds later. She turned around to see the pink-haired boy about two feet away and fidgeting with his hands.

He laughed a little. "Um... I-I just realized we passed the orchids..." he said, pointing behind him with his thumb.

"Huh?" She looked over his shoulder to see a spot where there were small flowers growing. "Oh. I forgot that's what we were here for," she admitted, chuckling.

"Well, come on! Let's go see them."

They walked a short distance to the orchids and knelt down to get a closer look. There were mostly purple orchids, but some pink and white ones could also be found.

"They're really colorful," Milly said in awe. She then shifted her attention to the boy next to her, gazing lovingly at him.

Milly was absolutely in love with Elliot. She's so in love that she acted like a completely different person when he's around. She's used to keeping up a tough baddie image near others, but when she's with Elliot, all that feistiness melted away, leaving a sweet girl who isn't actually as scary as people are led to think.

"And they're beautiful, like you," Elliot mentioned, quietly mumbling the last part, which Milly still happened to catch regardless.

Her eyes widened. Elliot thought she was beautiful? She tried to convince herself that it was just a compliment, and it didn't mean much, but it's hard not to overthink when someone you really like thinks you look good.

"Uh... Sorry, um, what was that?" Milly asked, stumbling over her words as she felt her face heat up.

"Y-you heard that?" he asked, surprised. He averted his eyes, seemingly asking himself some big question. "I-um... I have to go get something..." He stood up. "Stay right there!" he ordered before running off, leaving Milly gazing at him confused. What just happened?

She sighed. Maybe she shouldn't have asked that question. Why would Elliot be so uncomfortable with answering, though? Well, she did have a small idea of why he acted like that. It was the most logical, but Milly couldn't bring herself to believe it. Could he actually...?

Before she got fully lost in her own thoughts, she heard quick and light footsteps. They were gradually getting louder, which meant someone must be moving toward her. She looked up to see Elliot running over to her with pink flowers in his hand.

"Sorry I just left like that," Elliot apologized, sitting down next to Milly. "These are for you!" He handed over the bundle of flowers, which she found out were orchids.

"Oh! Thanks!" She held the orchids, which were a bright pink that matched her hair. "Whoa..." she breathed out, admiring the blooms.

"I was going to tell you later, but... it seems like I already gave myself away," he said, laughing.

He stood up and held out a hand to help Milly get up. She had one hand holding the flowers and the other still in Elliot's. He didn't let go of her hand, and Milly was more than glad to stay that way.

Elliot took a deep breath, gaining confidence. "I guess this is pretty obvious right now, but... I like you, Milly. I like you a whole lot," he began.

"I go to school looking forward to seeing that pretty face of yours. Even catching the smallest glimpse of you is enough to make my entire day.

"Whenever you're upset, I just want to take away everything that's bothering you and make you forget it, even if it's for just a short time. I'd do anything to make you smile."

He gently placed his hand on her face and continued to speak. "You're fascinating. I want to know more about you, from your biggest dreams to the tiniest things that manage to make you grin. If there's anything you don't like about yourself, I'll make it my purpose to change your mind about it, because to me, you are perfect."

His small burst of confidence was starting to fade away. "A-and, well, I guess, given what I just said... It's more of an "I love you" than an "I like you," isn't it?" He chuckled, turning red. "I know, I'm probably saying this too soon..."

Milly stared at him, in awe of his passionate speech. She didn't know what to say. It didn't matter, though. Anything she could say next wouldn't be able to compare to Elliot's confession... Well, actions speak louder than words, right?

Instead of replying verbally, Milly wrapped her arms around the boy. She then felt a pair of arms hug her back.

"So... Does this mean you feel the same way?" he asked.

She giggled. "Yep."

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author's note :
Get yourself a partner like Elliot XD. I noticed my chapters have been getting longer in word count (> 1000 words). I hope I can keep this up :D

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