★ 11: Catch-up

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ships : liam x henry
genre : fluff
requested by -bluebell- (and basically all of you who liked the fifth oneshot xd)

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Liam and Henry were lying on their bed, cuddling. They're living together in a small apartment and had just finished their second year of college. They've also been dating since their senior year of high school. It came off as a bit of a surprise to their friends.

They stayed in comfortable silence, broken only by the sound of the rain pouring outside. Henry snuggled closer to his boyfriend.

"Liam..." he mumbled.

"Yeah, honey?" The boy replied, putting an arm around Henry's shoulder.

"Don't call me that!"

"Why not? It sounds a bit like your name and I think it's cute. Do you prefer I call you dude?" Both of them laughed.

"Why can't you just use my name?"

"You can't stop me from using pet names, sweetheart."

"Fine... I guess it is kinda cute."

"So, what did you want to tell me?"

"We should talk to Jake and Drew again. I miss them."

"But we called them last month."

"It's summer! No one's busy. We can call them more often."

"Okay, I'll see if they're available." Liam reached to grab his phone on the bedside table then sent a message to their friends.

"They better be."

After waiting around a minute, they got a response.

"They're free right now. I'll start the call," Liam said. Henry got up and sat beside him.

Drew joined the video call, followed by Jake. "'Sup, guys!" The light-haired boy greeted with a wide smile on his face. The others waved or said hi back.

"I missed you guys!" Henry said, moving his face close to the phone.

Drew laughed a little. "We called last month."

"I told him that," Liam said, pushing the green-haired boy's face back, which made them all laugh.

The four then started to catch up.

After graduating, the friends all went their separate ways.

Because of his good enough grades and his family's wealth, Drew was studying at a prestigious university. He had also finally broken up with his good-for-nothing girlfriend.

Jake and his friends were pursuing music together. They planned on starting a band soon. He had sent some samples of their songs to his friends once, and they got some good responses.

Things were looking good for everyone.

They spent hours talking about anything they possibly can. They talked about how they were currently doing, and they shared stories from the past and the present. Liam had fallen asleep at some point, so the others spoke more quietly not to wake him up.

"You two are lucky. I haven't dated anyone since I broke up with her," Drew said.

"She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Henry joked. The other two chuckled.

"Well, Drew, I'm also single," Jake said with a flirty tone. "We could, y'know..." He held up his hands, which were in the shape of guns.

"Shut up. I know you have a thing for one of your other friends." He smirked.

"I- no!" he almost yelled. He glanced somewhere on his laptop screen and his eyes widened. "Wait, it's already 11 p.m.? We've been talking for three hours? I can't believe it!"

"Oh. You're right. I'll be going to bed if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, it's fine. Liam's missed enough already," Henry said, gazing at the boy sleeping next to him. "See you, guys!" He ended the call as the other two waved.

Henry tried getting up from the bed, but it was no use. Liam had his head on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around him.

"Huh. This is fine," he whispered. He smiled and closed his eyes as he drifted off to sleep.

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author's note :
Yes, the goofs are back >:3 I thought a sequel to the fifth oneshot would be boring, so I tried coming up with something else. It was kinda hard coming up with something, so I'm sorry if this seems a little rushed.

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