★ 10: Attachment

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ships : zoey x drew
genre : angst (get ready, folks)
requested by -bluebell-

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Drew watched as Zoey held up a gold necklace in front of her and admired it. It shone under the store's bright ceiling lights and it had a ring-shaped charm on it.

He walked over to her. "You like it, babe?"

She turned to face him and giggled. "Of course! Thanks for buying it for me. Love you, sugar cube." She planted a little kiss on his cheek.

The two then walked out of the store hand in hand. Their little shopping date had been going perfectly until Drew heard Zoey mutter something.

"Seems like he's enough. Don't know why I even needed that other guy," he managed to hear her say.

"Sorry, what was that?" Drew asked. Zoey jumped a little at the question.

"Uh—nothing! Oh hey, those decorations look pretty..." she said, trying to change the subject.

He got suspicious and stopped in his tracks. Because he was holding Zoey's hand, she made an abrupt stop. "Hey!" she exclaimed.

"What do you mean 'other guy'?" Drew questioned as he let go of her hand. She didn't mean she's seeing someone else, right? Maybe he was just jumping to conclusions. Hopefully, he was just jumping to conclusions.

"I... I mean... my ex! He was never as kind as you!" she said, smiling widely.

"You never had an ex. I'm your first boyfriend."

Zoey's smile faltered. She cursed under her breath.

Drew looked at her with wide eyes. "Wait... so you... No..." His ability to form complete sentences seemed to disappear as the realization hit him. He put a hand on his mouth and backed away from her as if she had revealed herself to be an infamous criminal.

Drew felt angry and betrayed. Despite what many thought, he actually loved Zoey. He enjoyed being around her. He could imagine a wonderful future with her. They would have a house and raise a family. They would be happy.

He felt all the memories he thought were genuine crumble away.

He took a deep breath, looked at Zoey right in the eye, and told her, "Don't talk to me again." He then left, trying to hold back tears.


A month later, the two were roaming the hallways with their arms around each other as if nothing had ever happened.

Drew was cheerfully smiling, but in reality, he's never felt more numb.

He couldn't help it. He was just too attached to her.

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author's note :
Was that angsty? (future melt here. wow, that oneshot was short.)

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