★ 5: Truth Or Dare

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ships : liam x henry (you read that right. It's those two dudes.)
genre : fluff
requested by TyziDaRaptorTrainer

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"Come on, Drew! You have to answer the question!" Jake exclaimed, clearly tired of the aforementioned boy's silence.

The four friends were having a sleepover, and currently, they were playing truth or dare.

"Yeah, Drew. You're not a chicken, are you?" Henry joins in, imitating a chicken. The rest of his friend group laughed.

"Okay, okay, fine!" Drew groaned. "My first crush was... Stacy." His face was a little red.

"Wait, really?" Jake giggled. "When? Why did you never tell us?"

"It was in freshman year. And I was... embarrassed, okay?"

"Why her, though? Her mom obviously looks better." Liam said, smirking.

Henry groaned. "Not again! Stop bringing up your weird fantasies, Liam!'

"I keep on telling you, it's normal for guys our age!"

"No, it's not! Ugh, whatever. It's my turn now."

"Okay... uh, truth or dare?" Jake asked.

"Well, I'm no chicken!" Drew glared at Henry as a result. "Dare!"

Jake looked surprised at the dare shown on his phone.

"What is it?"

"Uhh... It says to kiss the person on your left... on the... on the lips." Jake cringed at the thought. "Yikes. Sorry, dude. And, uh, sorry, Liam."

"Jake, we know you like boys and we're fine with that, but you don't have to push it on us," Drew said.

"Hey, I'm not doing that!" Jake almost shouted. "Look!" He showed his phone to the boys, and Henry's fears were confirmed.

Drew hummed then smirked. "Well, Henry, seems like you have to do the dare. Didn't you say you weren't a chicken?"

Henry sighed. "I hate you." He then turned to Liam.

Liam got closer to him. "You ready?" he said, snickering at his friend's flustered reaction.

"Uh..." Henry just sat there. He didn't know how kisses worked. Sure, he watched a lot of romance movies and series, being the hopeless romantic he was, but it's not like the smooch scenes could be learned from. They probably weren't even realistic.

He didn't know what to do. He'd never kissed a guy before. Heck, he'd never kissed anyone before.

Liam rolled his eyes. "You're such a coward," he said, laughing. He then grabbed Henry's face and smashed his lips onto his.

Henry was, surprisingly, not disgusted. He guessed kissing a guy was just like kissing a girl, even though he doesn't know what that feels like. He puckered his lips to kiss back. He closed his eyes, too, seeing as that's what Liam's doing. That's how it works, right?

The two then moved away from each other, both with blushing faces.

Jake and Drew chuckled. "That was painful to watch," Jake said.

"Whatever! Let's just finish the game," Henry exclaimed.


That night, the friends were sleeping. Henry felt himself being shaken awake.

"Hey, dude, are you awake?" he heard Liam whisper. He opened his eyes.

"I am now," he grumbled. "What is it?"

"Can we... try that again?"

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author's note :
I now kinda ship it... what's wrong with me? Lol. You folks have been suggesting stories with the side characters and it's been really interesting coming up with plots. The next oneshot will involve the main characters, though! I hope you continue to enjoy this book!
Also, Grammarly seems to hate me. >:/
Whoa, what the- after I wrote that sentence, Grammarly said I have no writing issues! Oh. They're back. T-T I need the premium version.

(hi melt's updating the oneshot format. i think editing a paragraph would delete the comments attached to them but i don't think they'll delete them so hopefully ur fun lil excited comments stay :'D)

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