★ 3: Can't Sleep?

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ships : lander
genre: slight angst

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Zander suddenly woke up. He groaned and reached for his phone to check the time. It was 1:12 a.m.

This wasn't the first time something like this happened. He'd been having bad dreams for a few nights already. It was the reason Luke was sleeping on a mattress beside Zander's bed.

Zander sighed, grabbed his pillow, and went to his friend. He lay down beside Luke and tried to sleep, but the negative thoughts that had been torturing him for the past week prevented him from doing so. He curled up into a ball and tried his best not to cry, but eventually gave in. He then felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He turned his head up to see Luke looking at him with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay? Can't sleep?" Luke asked. The answer was obvious.

Instead of responding, Zander moved closer to Luke and started to sob into his shoulder. Luke rubbed Zander's back until he calmed down.

"You wanna talk about it?"

Zander nodded. "Sure, but it's not a big deal."

"If it upsets you, then it must be a big deal. You can tell me."

"I guess so."

Zander sighed.

"I've been so stressed lately, with school and the upcoming band competition. I sometimes feel like I won't be able to handle everything. I've also been having these bad dreams. I can't really describe them, but they scare me. I'm tired..."

"Hey, Zander."

Zander looked up at his friend with teary eyes.

"It's normal to feel that way, and that's okay. But I want you to know that you are very much capable of handling this. You're a great guy. If you ever need help, the music club and I are here for you."

Zander smiled. "Thanks, Luke." He started crying again. He still felt sad, but he was also happy. It was confusing, but he didn't mind it.

Then, there was silence. Luke must've thought Zander fell asleep because he heard him whisper, "I love you." He then felt him kiss his forehead.

Zander smirked to himself and continued to pretend to sleep. He'll definitely tell Luke about this in the morning.

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author's note :
Sorry, this one is short. It's just really simple and I didn't know what else I could add.

Also, I was in the mood for some angst >:3 Hope you enjoyed it regardless!

(I noticed I've been writing a lot of Zander lately... what)

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