★ 18: Songwriting

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ships : juke
genre : angst

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"Alright, what do you think of this?" Luke asked as he passed a paper over the table. Jake grabbed it and read it.

The lyrics were simple and straight to the point. The lines fit well with each other. It was pretty good for his first try.

"It's great so far!" Jake complimented as he handed the sheet back. "Are you sure you haven't done anything like this before?"

Luke's faced turned a little red from the praise. He let out a small laugh. "Thanks, Jake. This really is my first time writing a song. Well, I do keep a journal and I sometimes get poetic with my entries. Maybe that helped."

It seemed that the brown-haired boy's smile was contagious, as a grin made its way onto Jake's face. He couldn't hide it. This boy made him happy.

Well, how can he not make people happy? He was very likable. He was sweet, friendly, and good-looking. If he weren't in the music club, he would be one of the most popular students in school. Maybe Jake would've been able to get closer to him then...

"Uh... Jake?"

The peach-haired boy blinked in surprise. "Huh? What? Did you say something?"

"Yes, I just asked if you could sing the song right now. I want to hear how it sounds with the track."

"Oh, okay."

He took the sheet of paper from Luke's hands and read the handwritten lyrics that were paired with music notes. He imagined the tune in his mind and got an idea of how he'll sing the song.

"Are you ready?" the golden-eyed boy asked, his phone now in his hand, prepared to play the instrumental track he found online.

"Yep," Jake answered. He took a deep breath and started singing once Luke hit play.

Just as he had expected, the song sounded great. He put all his emotion into singing every line. The melody was upbeat and full of energy. He could even see Luke dancing a little to it. It was cute.

Jake was happy he'd found the confidence to write a song for the one he loves, but something deep down in him wished it was for him instead. It was selfish, he knew. But he couldn't help how he feels.

The song ended on a bit of a sadder note. Some energy must have gotten lost in the second to last chorus. Luke didn't seem to notice, as he was beaming with admiration.

"Jake, that was amazing! You're a great singer!" he said, grinning with wide eyes like a child at a candy store.

It was the brown-eyed boy's turn to go red from praise. "Thanks, Luke," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "I bet you're excited for me to perform this tomorrow."

"Yes! Definitely! Oh, Zander will love this! Well, it isn't really the kind of music he's into, but I'm sure he'll still appreciate it..."

The singer rested his head on his hand and tuned out the rest of the ramble. He instead focused on who was rambling. Luke's face was a little red, and he was smiling widely as he spoke. His happiness seemed to make his eyes look a little brighter. The warm glow of a nearby lamp shone on his skin and hair, and it made him look even better.

Jake wished he were as lucky as Zander was. It's obvious he's in love with Luke. He's probably been like that for years already. He deserved him. Jake, on the other hand, had only known Luke for around a week or two. It's pretty foolish of him to think that he had a chance with the brunet when they don't even know each other that well.

"... I really hope he feels the same way. Things wouldn't be good between the two of us if it turns out he doesn't." Luke sighed. Seems like Jake started paying attention again at just the right time. The ramble's finished.

"Hey, Luke, I may barely know you two, but I think Zander does feel the same. But you'll never know until you try, of course," Jake said, forcing a chuckle at the end.

The drummer smiled warmly at the comfort. "Thank you, Jake." He checked his phone. "Oh, it's getting late. I should go." He stood up, grabbing his things and placing them in his backpack. He slung it over his shoulder and made his way to the door. Jake followed.

"Thanks for letting me stay over and for helping with the song."

"No problem! But you basically wrote the whole song. I just gave feedback."

"Well, yes, but it was helpful! Thanks again. I have to go now, see you tomorrow, Jake."

"Yeah... see you tomorrow."

Hey, what if he... Hmm. Why not?

Jake might regret this, but it's now or never. Never's likely the better option, but there's no stopping him now, as he's already going for it.

Before Luke could step out the door, Jake wrapped his arms around him. This caught Luke off guard, but he went with it and hugged him back.

Jake decided to cherish every part of this moment, because who knows? This might be the only chance he'd ever get to do this. Soon, Luke might only ever be in Zander's arms.

Jake rested his head on the brunet's shoulder. He snuggled closer to him, feeling the soft fabric of his dark red jacket. He could also smell a hint of lemon and cinnamon on it. How fitting.

"So, uh... This is nice and all, but why are you hugging me?"

Oh, Luke, you sweet boy. Sadly, you'll never know why Jake is so desperately holding you. You'll never know about how he has fallen for you at the wrong time. You'll never know about how this idiot wants what he can never have: you.

However, this fool has to let go at some point. Now would be a good time.

After Luke was released from the hug, he gave Jake one last comforting smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah... see you."

It seems that as he left the room, all the warmth disappeared with him.

The singer was now left alone with his thoughts. He started to imagine all that could happen tomorrow: him singing the song Luke wrote for Zander, said purple-haired boy enjoying the song, Luke confessing his feelings, and the two of them getting together...

Jake tiredly dragged himself to his bed and dropped himself on it, wrapping himself in a blanket. One tear rolled down his face, then another, and then another, until he was quietly crying over someone he barely even knew well. It hurt to know he couldn't be with him.

"You know what... screw it. I'm not singing that song for him. Things will go well anyway, I'm sure of it."

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author's note :
I'm obsessed with Juke all of a sudden so I decided to write something for them. If this isn't as good as my other oneshots, it's because I wrote this on the spot, sorry ^^ but I hope you enjoy this regardless! <3

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