★ 22: Forever And Always

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ships : jukley (jake x luke x hailey)
genre : fluff

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"Here you are!" Hailey cheerfully said as she reached the square wooden table her boyfriends sat at. She placed an iced coffee in front of Jake (he complains about hot food and drinks) and a mocha in front of Luke. "Hold on, I'll just get my drink," she told them as she walked back to the counter, where her latte was waiting.

"Hey, Hailey. Here's your order," the barista, whom she recognized as Daisy, said with a smile as she handed the drink to her. The two became pretty good friends in their junior year of high school after Daisy had started visiting the music club. "Oh yeah, good luck," she quietly added.

"Thanks," Hailey replied with a grin just as wide, taking the warm cup and leaving to get to her table.

She took a seat on the brown leather couch across the two men, setting her beverage down in front of her. Jake and Luke were already talking about what Hailey assumed was Jake's dislike of hot drinks.

"You really can't handle it?"

"It burns my tongue!"

"You can wait for it to cool down, you know."

"Nah, too long of a wait," Jake concluded, taking one long sip of his iced drink after.

"Well, okay then."

Hailey laughed. "Enjoying the day so far?"

"Yeah! Thanks for bringing us here, Hails," Jake said, his coffee-brown eyes shining with joy.

"Mhm. But what's the occasion? You seem pretty excited about something."

Luke must've noticed Hailey's leg bouncing up and down at a pace that matched the upbeat pop song playing from nearby speakers hung up on the walls. Or the anticipation which Hailey had to bite her lip to prevent the spilling of. Or even her fingers playing with the thin sleeves of her white sweater.

"Oh, nothing! Nothing at all. Just really happy we all get to spend time here together," she quickly answered. Luke smiled and focused back on his mocha, seemingly satisfied with the response.

"Alright, whatever you say."

Hailey composed herself and also turned her attention to her latte, taking small sips of the warm drink. She contemplated what she should do next. She should move the conversation away from the suspicion that she had something planned. While, yes, she did, now didn't seem like the right time for it. She wanted them to be surprised by what she had in store.

What should they talk about, though? She racked her brain for possible conversation topics. The weather? Too boring; wouldn't get them anywhere. The coffee? They'd just talked about how Jake hates hot drinks. The music currently playing? Who even wrote that song? Hailey had heard it before somewhere online, but she couldn't be bothered to look it up. How about high school? That's where they met, after all.

Jake suddenly spoke, saving the three from what would've been another few minutes of awkward quiet.

"I can't believe it's been five years since we got together." Good enough of a topic. Hailey can work with that.

"Wait, really?" Luke counted the years in his head. "Oh, you're right! Wow."

"It's great to know we're all still happy together." Hailey reached into her bag beside her and fiddled with the small boxes hidden inside it. "I'm glad we get along."

"Ah, remember when Jake brought up the idea of us dating?" Luke asked and eventually gave in to laughter. "That was so awkward!"

"But it was a great idea, you'll have to admit," Jake said, leaning onto his boyfriend's shoulder, making him roll his eyes with a smile.

"Aww, yes, it was." Hailey's grin was just as wide, if not even wider than Luke's, because of how happy they were. "Remember when we told the club about us? Zander was so upset because we were dating Jake!"

Even the aforementioned man chuckled at this. "Well, at least he's fine with it now." Hailey hummed in response.

More laughter and conversation filled the air around the three lovers as they recalled more memories. Senior prom, high school graduation, the late-night parties they held after both those events, staying up even after those parties, and much more.

Then came the perfect time for what Hailey had planned. Everything fell right into place somehow.

"Alright, I want to ask you something." Hailey took the boxes out of her bag, careful not to let Jake and Luke see them. "Remember when you stayed over at my place a week after senior graduation? We danced to whatever song was playing that afternoon." The two smiled, recalling that day.

She continued after a sip of coffee. "One of the songs mentioned a forever and always, and I've been thinking of that.

"I want to be there for you two forever and always. But my question is..." She brought the boxes above the table, one in each hand, and set them on the table. 

She skillfully opened both at the same time; it's something she had been practicing for a week. The covers revealed two small glowing diamonds sat on equally shiny rings.

"... will you also stick around forever and always?"

Jake's hands were hiding the growing smile on his face, and Luke's eyes shone as brightly as the rings they were fixated on.

"Are you... proposing?" the latter asked, shifting his gaze to his girlfriend.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I asked it weirdly!" she answered with a flustered laugh.

"No, it's fine, I like it! It's sweet," he quickly reassured. "And my answer's a yes." He gently placed his hand on Hailey's right.

The two turned to their peach-haired partner, who quickly put on an unreadable expression. "W-what about you, Jake?"

"No," he quickly said. Turning to look at the two, he chuckled when he saw the disappointment on their faces. "I was joking! Of course, it's a yes." He mimicked Luke's action, placing his hand on Hailey's left. 

The teal-haired woman let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness." She stood up and held her arms out wide, welcoming her partners, who instantly rushed into them.

The three stayed in the warm embrace, the cheers of strangers surrounding them. Hailey spotted Daisy sending a silent congratulation in the corner of her eye.

A faint sob could be heard from among the three. It was coming from Jake.

"Aww..." Luke held his face, wiping away the tears falling from his eyes.

"Sorry, sorry." Jake managed a teary smile. "I'm just really happy right now."

Sweet kisses and cheerful giggles were shared. The sky began to dim while splashes of orange in it started to glow.

The day's ending soon, but their love will stay forever and always.

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author's note :
YUHH JUKLEY—anybis pls respect the ship (I don't know why I still have to mention that hhh)

you don't know how much I love Jukley lmao—

alsoalso listen to "Forever & Always" by Zeph!! It's a really sweet song :D (you can listen to it in the vid I linked in this chapter)

hope you enjoy the fic ^^

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