★ 6: Cliché

3.3K 55 99

ships : jailey
genre : fluff
sort of a sequel to "Free"
requested by onionsaltAH

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

Jake held out his hand. "You ready, princess?"

Hailey took it and smiled. "Yep. Let's go."

The two stepped out of Hailey's front yard and started walking to the park.

They had planned their date yesterday through text. They'd been sharing ideas on what to do and where to go for a while, and they finally agreed on going to the park, getting snacks, and ending with dinner.

They reached the park, where friends were catching up, kids were playing, and people were relaxing.

"So, this date has officially begun!" Jake said, putting his arm around Hailey. She giggled in response.

"Let's go get ice cream, then," she said, pointing to an ice cream stand.

"I'm paying!"

"H-hey, we never agreed on that! Shouldn't we pay for our own ice creams?"

"Hailey, I'm a gentleman. I'm paying for both of us, and that's final."

"A gentleman? More like a simp," Hailey muttered, chuckling.

"Hey!" Jake exclaimed. He still ended up laughing with her.

Hailey sighed. "Fine. But can we at least split the bill on dinner?"

Jake thought for a bit. "We'll see." There really was no stopping this boy. "What flavor do you want?"

"Uh- I'll just go with vanilla."

"Got it! I'll make sure you get the best ice cream you've ever had!" he said as he raced to the ice cream stand. Hailey rolled her eyes at the goof.

Shortly after, he came back with two ice cream cones, one vanilla and one chocolate.

"Here you go, princess," Jake said as he handed the vanilla ice cream to Hailey.

"Thanks." Hailey smiled warmly. "Let's go sit down over on that bench.

They enjoyed their cold treats on a bench while watching people interact.

"So, chocolate's your favorite flavor?" The blue-haired girl asked. Jake nodded in response.

"It matches your eyes."

"That's because I'm very sweet like chocolate."

"In which way?"

Jake looked at her confused. Hailey shrugged it off. "Nevermind. Oh- Jake, you have some-"

Hailey wiped some ice cream off Jake's cheek. She mentally sighed. She should've known something like this would happen.

Jake went red then smiled. "We're almost done, why don't we go have dinner?"

Hailey stood up first. "Sure."

While finishing their snacks, the two made their way to a small restaurant just a few blocks down. It was getting dark, and the streetlights were starting to glow. The world around them was tinted with warm orange.

The restaurant was warm and inviting. A familiar pop song was softly playing through the speakers on the wall. People were chatting and laughing. The place had an overall cozy atmosphere.

Jake and Hailey sat down by the counter. A while later, a waitress took their orders. They started eating as soon as their food arrived.

"Enjoying today so far?" Jake said, looking at Hailey.

"Yeah. It's been great," she replied, smiling before taking a bite of her sandwich. "What about you?"

"I'd enjoy any day, as long as it's with you," he said with a wink.

Hailey laughed. "I'd say the same."

The two soon finished their food. As soon as the bill was given, Hailey took out some money from her wallet and smacked it on the table, making Jake jump a little.

"I'm paying for my food and you are paying for yours. That's final."

"Uh... okay..." Jake put down his money on the table.

The couple left the restaurant and they were now walking back to Hailey's house.

"I had fun today," Hailey said.

"I'm glad you did. How about we do this again some time?"

"Sure." The blue-haired girl realized they were nearing her house. She quickly kissed Jake on the cheek before running up to her front gate.

"See ya!" she shouted, waving at the boy, who was now a blushing mess.

"Y-yeah, see ya, Hailey!" Jake held up his hand in a poor attempt to wave back.

"I was waiting all day to see you like that!" she laughed before stepping inside her home.

She watched Jake walk away through her window. That date was too good, it was almost cliché. She couldn't wait for the next time they get to do this.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

author's note :
Thank you for reading this oneshot! There will be a few more main character ship requests coming up, and after that, I'll get to work on requests for more side character ships. The requests for side characters and main characters seem to come in bunches. I find it kind of funny.

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