★ 9: Notice Me!

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ships : lia x henry
genre :C o m e d i cfluff
requested by -bluebell- and Storm_Studios

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"Hey, boys!" Lia greeted as she and Zoey sat down with Jake and his friends at their lunch table.

"Oh, hey. What are you two doing, sitting here? Don't you have your other friends?" Drew asked.

"Do I need an excuse to sit with my sugar cube?" Zoey said, smiling and clinging onto her boyfriend's arm. Drew put his arm around her in response.

The other kids at the table looked at them weird, though they didn't seem to notice. That girl was as fake as the plastic under her skin, though her poor boyfriend just couldn't see it.

"So... what were you four talking about?" Lia asked, starting up a conversation.

The group continued to eat their lunch, chatting every now and then.

Henry looked at the girl sitting across him. To him, Lia was like a goddess. He wanted to know her and get closer to her. Unfortunately, he can't talk to girls for the life of him.

But... that doesn't mean he can't try.

"So, uh... those shippers, eh? Can't believe they're harassing the creator. That's just wrong," he said, hoping to get Lia's attention.

And he did. But her response was bland.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but whatever it is, it sounds bad. Sucks to be the creator, I guess," she said, disinterested.

Yikes. That was not good at all. It didn't stop the stubborn boy from trying again a few minutes later, though.

"It's kinda weird how I look like the anime's protagonist, huh?"

No response from anyone, including Lia.

Liam leaned a little towards Henry and muttered, "Dude. Stop it. She isn't interested in that kind of stuff."

The green-haired guy sighed. It was pointless to keep on bringing up a topic that no one cared much about. He doesn't know much about what Lia likes. He would ask, but she doesn't seem to want to talk to him. He was basically hopeless.

Lunch was going to end in around five minutes. It seemed Henry couldn't do anything for Lia to notice him. Unless...

Not the brightest idea, but it's worth a shot.

"Hey, guys!" he called out, grabbing the attention of the others at the table. "Check out my singing!"

He knew he wasn't exactly good at singing, but maybe it could be funny?

"Wait, no-" Drew tried to stop him, knowing what was about to happen.

Henry stood up and started singing an old pop song. Well, actually, it was more yelling in tune than singing. He even pretended to hold a microphone in his hands. Was he exaggerating how poorly he sang? Nobody knew.

Plenty of students at other tables turned their heads at the sudden noise. Drew was hiding his face in his hands out of embarrassment. Jake and Liam were trying to contain their laughter. Zoey was staring at him in confusion. He didn't care about them. He just needed to know if Lia was paying attention.

To his surprise, she was. Heck, she was even laughing. It was a genuine laugh that he'd never seen or heard before. It accented her features and made her look even prettier. She should smile more often.

Henry stopped singing, much to Drew and Zoey's pleasure. He chuckled a little at the various reactions his little concert garnered. Some of the audience was cheering and clapping for him as a joke, including Jake and Liam. Others looked at him confused and mildly disturbed, like Zoey. Some didn't care and could be found on their phones or chatting with friends as if nothing happened.

"Lia, what the heck is wrong with you? Are you laughing?" Zoey asked, a disgusted look on her face.

"B- but it was funny!" Lia answered, still giggling.

"Ugh. Whatever. Come on, babe, let's leave these weirdos," she said, standing up and grabbing Drew by the arm. The magenta-haired boy glared at his two other friends, and they shrugged and joined him.

Lia's laughter died down. "Sorry, I guess," she apologized, rolling her eyes as the four left.

"You... liked that?" Henry asked, hopeful.

The girl turned to face him and chuckled a little. "Yeah. Maybe you aren't as bad as I thought you were."

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author's note :
This turned out to be longer than I expected, wow. It's weird, I thought this was going to be one of my worse chapters, but I guess I was wrong. Maybe it's because I'm also a hopeless romantic, lol. As always, I hope you liked reading it!

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